40 CFR § 408.275 - Standards of performance for new sources.

§ 408.275 Standards of performance for new sources.

Except for those steamed and canned oyster processing facilities which utilize air flotation treatment systems to meet the shrimp processing standards of performance for new sources under § 408.115, § 408.125, or § 408.135 and for which standards of performance should be derived on a case-by-case basis, the following standards of performance establish the quantity or quality of pollutants or pollutant properties, controlled by this section, which may be discharged by a new source subject to the provisions of this subpart:

Effluent characteristic Effluent limitations
Maximum for any 1 day Average of daily values for 30 consecutive days shall not exceed—
Metric units (kg/kkg of product)
BOD5 67 17
TSS 56 39
Oil and grease 0.84 0.42
pH ( 1) ( 1)
English units (lb/1,000 lb of product)
BOD5 67 17
TSS 56 39
Oil and grease 0.64 0.42
pH ( 1) ( 1)

1 Within the range 6.0 to 9.0.

[40 FR 55794, Dec. 1, 1975, as amended at 42 FR 6813, Feb. 4, 1977]