40 CFR § 63.9515 - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitation that applies to me?

§ 63.9515 How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the emission limitation that applies to me?

(a) You have demonstrated initial compliance for each new, reconstructed, or existing large solvent mixer subject to the emission limitation in § 63.9500(a) if the HAP solvent discharged to the atmosphere during the first 7 days after the compliance date, determined according to the provisions in § 63.9520, does not exceed a 7-day block average of 30 percent of that which would otherwise be emitted in the absence of solvent recovery and/or solvent substitution.

(b) You have demonstrated initial compliance for each new, reconstructed, or existing small solvent mixer subject to the emission limitation in § 63.9500(b) if the HAP solvent discharged to the atmosphere during the first 7 days after the compliance date, determined according to the provisions in § 63.9520, does not exceed a 7-day block average of 15 percent of that which would otherwise be emitted in the absence of solvent recovery and/or solvent substitution.

(c) You must submit a notification of compliance status containing the results of the initial compliance demonstration according to § 63.9535(e).