40 CFR Appendix Table 6 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63 - Table 6 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63—General Provisions

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Table 6 to Subpart BBBBBBB of Part 63—General Provisions
Citation Subject Applies to subpart BBBBBBB
§ 63.1 Applicability Yes.
§ 63.2 Definitions Yes.
§ 63.3 Units and Abbreviations Yes.
§ 63.4 Prohibited Activities Yes.
§ 63.5 Construction/Reconstruction Yes.
§ 63.6(a)-(d) Compliance with Standards and Maintenance Requirements Yes.
§ 63.6(e)(1)(i)-(ii) Operation and Maintenance Requirements No.
§ 63.6(e)(1)(iii) Operation and Maintenance Requirements Yes.
§ 63.6(e)(2) [Reserved]
§ 63.6(e)(3) Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Plan No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require startup, shutdown, and malfunction plans.
§ 63.6(f)(1) Compliance with Non-Opacity Emissions Standards—Applicability No. The emission limits apply at all times.
§ 63.6(f)(2)-(3) Methods for Determining Compliance and Finding of Compliance Yes.
§ 63.6(g) Use of an Alternative Non-Opacity Emission Standard Yes.
§ 63.6(h) Opacity/Visible Emission (VE) Standards No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not contain opacity or VE standards.
§ 63.6(i) Compliance Extension Yes.
§ 63.6(j) Presidential Compliance Exemption Yes.
§ 63.7(a)-(d) Performance Testing Requirements Yes.
§ 63.7(e)(1) Performance Testing Requirements No. Subpart BBBBBBB specifies the conditions under which performance tests must be conducted.
§ 63.7(e)(2)-(4) Conduct of Performance Tests and Data Reduction Yes.
§ 63.7(f)-(h) Use of Alternative Test Method; Data Analysis, Recordkeeping, and Reporting; and Waiver of Performance Tests Yes.
§ 63.8(a)(1) Applicability of Monitoring Requirements Yes.
§ 63.8(a)(2) Performance Specifications No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require CEMS to demonstrate compliance.
§ 63.8(a)(3) [Reserved]
§ 63.8(a)(4) Monitoring with Flares No.
§ 63.8(b)(1) Monitoring Yes.
§ 63.8(b)(2)-(3) Multiple Effluents and Multiple Monitoring Systems Yes.
§ 63.8(c)(1) Monitoring System Operation and Maintenance Yes.
§ 63.8(c)(1)(i) CMS maintenance Yes.
§ 63.8(c)(1)(ii) Spare Parts for CMS Malfunction Yes.
§ 63.8(c)(1)(iii) Compliance with Operation and Maintenance Requirements No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require startup, shutdown, and malfunction plans.
§ 63.8(c)(2)-(3) Monitoring System Installation Yes.
§ 63.8(c)(4) CMS Requirements No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require CEMS to demonstrate compliance.
§ 63.8(c)(5) COMS Minimum Procedures No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not contain opacity or VE standards.
§ 63.8(c)(6) CMS Requirements Yes, for CPMS provisions only. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require CEMS to demonstrate compliance.
§ 63.8(c)(7)-(8) CMS Requirements No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require CEMS to demonstrate compliance.
§ 63.8(d) CMS Quality Control No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require CEMS to demonstrate compliance.
§ 63.8(e)-(g) CMS Performance Evaluation No. Subpart BBBBBBB does not require CEMS to demonstrate compliance.
§ 63.9 Notification Requirements Yes. Except Initial Notification shall be submitted in accordance with the schedule in § 63.11585.
§ 63.10(a),(b)(1), (b)(2)(viii)-(xi),(c), (e)(1), (e)(2)(i), (f) Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Yes.
§ 63.11 Control Device and Work Practice Requirements Yes.
§ 63.12 State Authority and Delegations Yes.
§ 63.13 Addresses of State Air Pollution Control Agencies and EPA Regional Offices Yes.
§ 63.14 Incorporations by Reference Yes.
§ 63.15 Availability of Information and Confidentiality Yes.
§ 63.16 Performance Track Provisions No.