40 CFR Appendix Table 2 to Subpart CCCC of Part 63 - Table 2 to Subpart CCCC of Part 63—Requirements for Performance Tests If You Monitor Brew Ethanol

Table 2 to Subpart CCCC of Part 63—Requirements for Performance Tests If You Monitor Brew Ethanol
For each fed-batch fermenter for which compliance is determined by monitoring brew ethanol concentration and calculating VOC concentration in the fermenter exhaust according to the procedures in § 63.2161, you must . . . Using . . . According to the following requirements . . .
Measure VOC as propane Method 25A, a or an alternative validated by EPA Method 301 b and approved by the Administrator You must measure the VOC concentration in the fermenter exhaust at any point prior to the dilution of the exhaust stream.

a EPA Test Method 25A is found in appendix A-7 of 40 CFR part 60.

b EPA Test Method 301 is found in appendix A of 40 CFR part 63.