40 CFR Appendix Table 8 to Subpart U of Part 63 - Table 8 to Subpart U of Part 63—Summary of Compliance Alternative Requirements for the Back-End Process Provisions

Table 8 to Subpart U of Part 63—Summary of Compliance Alternative Requirements for the Back-End Process Provisions
Compliance alternative Parameter to be monitored Requirements
Compliance Using Stripping Technology, Demonstrated through Periodic Sampling [§ 63.495(b)] Residual organic HAP content in each sample of crumb or latex (1) If a stripper operated in batch mode is used, at least one representative sample is to be taken from every batch.
(2) If a stripper operated in continuous mode is used, at least one representative sample is to be taken each operating day.
Quantity of Material (weight of latex or dry crumb rubber) represented by each sample (1) Acceptable methods of determining this quantity are production records, measurement of stream characteristics, and engineering calculations.
Compliance Using Stripping Technology, Demonstrated through Stripper Parameter Monitoring [§ 63.495(c)] At a minimum, temperature, pressure, steaming rates (for steam strippers), and some parameter that is indicative of residence time (1) Establish stripper operating parameter levels for each grade in accordance with § 63.505(e).
(2) Continuously monitor stripper operating parameters.
(3) If hourly average parameters are outside of the established operating parameter levels, a crumb or latex sample shall be taken in accordance with § 63.495(c)(3)(ii).
Determining Compliance Using Control or Recovery Devices [§ 63.496] Parameters to be monitored are described in Table 3 of subpart G of this part Comply with requirements listed in Table 3 of subpart G of this part, except for the requirements for halogenated vent stream scrubbers.
[65 FR 38093, June 19, 2000]