40 CFR Appendix Table 1 to Subpart UUUU of Part 63 - Table 1 to Subpart UUUU of Part 63—Emission Limits and Work Practice Standards

Table 1 to Subpart UUUU of Part 63—Emission Limits and Work Practice Standards

As required in § 63.5505(a), you must meet the appropriate emission limits and work practice standards in the following table:

For . . . at . . . you must . . .
1. the sum of all viscose process vents a. each existing cellulose food casing operation i. reduce total uncontrolled sulfide emissions (reported as carbon disulfide) by at least 25% based on a 6-month rolling average;
ii. for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
b. each new cellulose food casing operation i. reduce total uncontrolled sulfide emissions (reported as carbon disulfide) by at least 75% based on a 6-month rolling average;
ii. for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
c. each existing rayon operation i. reduce total uncontrolled sulfide emissions (reported as carbon disulfide) by at least 35% within 3 years after the effective date based on a 6-month rolling average; for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems; and
ii. reduce total uncontrolled sulfide emissions (reported as carbon disulfide) by at least 40% within 8 years after the effective date based on a 6-month rolling average; for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
d. each new rayon operation i. reduce total uncontrolled sulfide emissions (reported as carbon disulfide) by at least 75% based on a 6-month rolling average;
ii. for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
e. each existing or new cellulosic sponge operation i. reduce total uncontrolled sulfide emissions (reported as carbon disulfide) by at least 75% based on a 6-month rolling average;
ii. for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
f. each existing or new cellophane operation i. reduce total uncontrolled sulfide emissions (reported as carbon disulfide) by at least 75% based on a 6-month rolling average;
ii. for each vent stream that you control using a control device (except for retractable hoods over sulfuric acid baths at a cellophane operation), route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems (except for retractable hoods over sulfuric acid baths at a cellophane operation).
2. the sum of all solvent coating process vents a. each existing or new cellophane operation i. reduce uncontrolled toluene emissions by at least 95% based on a 6-month rolling average;
ii. for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
3. the sum of all cellulose ether process vents a. each existing or new cellulose ether operation i. reduce total uncontrolled organic HAP emissions by at least 99%;
ii. for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
4. closed-loop systems each existing or new cellulose ether operation comply by operating the closed-loop system.
5. each carbon disulfide unloading and storage operation a. each existing or new viscose process affected source i. reduce uncontrolled carbon disulfide emissions by at least 83% from unloading and storage operations based on a 6-month rolling average if you use an alternative control technique not listed in this table source for carbon disulfide unloading and storage operations; if using a control device to reduce emissions, route emissions through a closed-vent system to the control device; and comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems;
ii. reduce uncontrolled carbon disulfide emissions by at least 0.14% from viscose process vents based on a 6-month rolling average; for each vent stream that you control using a control device, route the vent stream through a closed-vent system to the control device; and comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems;
iii. install a nitrogen unloading and storage system (as defined in § 63.5610); or
iv. install a nitrogen unloading system (as defined in § 63.5610); reduce uncontrolled carbon disulfide emissions by at least 0.045% from viscose process vents based on a 6-month rolling average; for each vent stream that you control, route the vent stream through a closed-vent to the control device; and comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
6. each toluene storage vessel a. each existing or new cellophane operation i. reduce uncontrolled toluene emissions by at least 95% based on a 6-month rolling average;
ii. if using a control device to reduce emissions, route the emissions through a closed-vent system to the control device; and
iii. comply with the work practice standard for closed-vent systems.
7. equipment leaks a. each existing or new cellulose ether operation i. comply with the applicable equipment leak standards of §§ 63.162 through 63.179, except that references to “process unit” mean “cellulose ether process unit” for the purposes of this subpart; or
ii. comply with the applicable equipment leak standards of §§ 63.1021 through 63.1037, except that references to “process unit” mean “cellulose ether process unit” for the purposes of this subpart.
8. all sources of wastewater emissions each existing or new cellulose ether operation comply with the applicable wastewater provisions of §§ 63.105 and 63.132 through 63.140.
9. liquid streams in open systems each existing or new cellulose ether operation comply with the applicable provisions or § 63.149, except that references to “chemical manufacturing process unit” ether means “cellulose ether process unit” for the purposes of this subpart.
10. closed-vent system used to route emissions to a control device each existing or new affected source (except for retractable hoods over sulfuric acid baths at a cellophane operation) conduct annual inspections, repair leaks, and maintain records as specified in § 63.148.
11. closed-vent system containing a bypass line that could divert a vent stream away from a control device, except for equipment needed for safety purposes (described in § 63.148(f)(3) a. each existing or new affected source (except for retractable hoods over sulfuric acid baths at a cellophane operation) (i) install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a flow indicator as specified in § 63.148(f)(1); or
(ii) secure the bypass line valve in the closed position with a car-seal or lock-and-key type configuration and inspect the seal or closure mechanism at least once per month as specified in § 63.148(f)(2)).
12. heat exchanger system that cools process equipment or materials in the process unit each existing or new affected source monitor and repair the heat exchanger system according to § 63.104(a) through (e), except that references to “chemical manufacturing process unit” mean “cellulose food casing, rayon, cellulosic sponge, cellophane, or cellulose ether process unit” for the purposes of this subpart.
[67 FR 40055, June 11, 2002, as amended at 70 FR 46694, Aug. 10, 2005]