41 CFR § 302-7.10 - What are the reasons that would justify the additional storage beyond the initial 60 days CONUS and 90 days OCONUS limits?

§ 302-7.10 What are the reasons that would justify the additional storage beyond the initial 60 days CONUS and 90 days OCONUS limits?

Reasons for justifying temporary storage beyond the initial limit include, but are not limited to:

(a) An intervening temporary duty or long-term training assignment;

(b) Non-availability of suitable housing;

(c) Completion of residence under construction;

(d) Serious illness of employee or illness or death of a dependent; or

(e) Strikes, acts of God, or other circumstances beyond the control of the employee.

[FTR Amdt. 2011-01, 76 FR 18340, Apr. 1, 2011]