42 CFR § 52b.9 - What is the right of the United States to recover Federal funds when facilities are not used for research or are transferred?

§ 52b.9 What is the right of the United States to recover Federal funds when facilities are not used for research or are transferred?

(a) If the grantee plans to cease using the facility for the particular biomedical research or training purposes for which it was constructed as required by § 52b.7 (or alternate use authorized under § 52b.7(a) or paragraph (c) of this section), or the grantee decides to sell or transfer title to an entity ineligible for a grant under § 52b.3, the grantee shall request disposition instructions from NIH in the form and manner as the Director may prescribe. Those instructions shall provide for one of the following alternatives:

(1) The facility may be sold and the grantee or transferee shall pay to the United States an amount computed by multiplying the federal share of the facility times the proceeds from the sale (after deducting the actual and reasonable selling and fix-up expenses, if any, from the sales proceeds). The sales procedures must provide for competition to the extent practicable, and be designed to provide the highest possible return;

(2) The grantee may retain title and shall pay to the United States an amount computed by multiplying the current fair market value of the facility by the federal share of the facility; or

(3) The grantee shall transfer the title to either the United States or to an eligible non-federal party approved by the Director. The grantee shall be entitled to be paid an amount computed by multiplying the current fair market value of the facility by the nonfederal share of the facility.

(b) The grantee or transferor of a facility which is sold or transferred, or the owner of a facility the use of which has changed, as described in paragraph (a) of this section, shall report that action in writing to the Director not later than 10 days from the date on which the sale, transfer, or change occurs, in the form and manner as the Director may prescribe.

(c) In lieu of disposition of a facility pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, the Director may, for good cause, supported by assurances provided by the grantee or transferee, approve one of the following alternatives:

(1) Transfer of the remaining usage obligation to facilities of substantially comparable or greater value or utility, to carry out the biomedical research or training purpose for which the grant was awarded. In this event, the remaining usage obligation shall be released from the original facility constructed with grant funds and transferred to the new facility, and the grantee shall remain subject to all other requirements imposed under this part with respect to the new facility; or

(2) Use the facility for as long as needed, in order of priority, for one of the following purposes:

(i) For other health related activities consistent with the purposes of one or more of the activities of the awarding institute as authorized under title IV or other provisions of the Act;

(ii) To provide training and instruction in the health fields for health professionals or health related information programs for the public; or

(iii) Other health related purposes consistent with one or more of the purposes authorized under the Act.

(d) The right of recovery of the United States set forth in paragraph (a) of this section shall not, prior to judgment, constitute a lien on any facility supported in whole or in part by a federal grant, including a construction grant under this part.

(e) Any amount required to be paid to the United States under this section will be paid to the awarding institute for disposition as required by law.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control Number 0925-0424; expires November 30, 2001)