45 CFR § 410.203 - Criteria for placing an unaccompanied alien child in a secure facility.

§ 410.203 Criteria for placing an unaccompanied alien child in a secure facility.

(a) Notwithstanding § 410.202, ORR may place a UAC in a secure facility if the UAC:

(1) Has been charged with, is chargeable, or has been convicted of a crime, or is the subject of delinquency proceedings, has been adjudicated delinquent, or is chargeable with a delinquent act, and where ORR deems those circumstances demonstrate that the UAC poses a danger to self or others. “Chargeable” means that ORR has probable cause to believe that the UAC has committed a specified offense. The provision in this paragraph (a)(1) does not apply to a UAC whose offense is:

(i) An isolated offense that was not within a pattern or practice of criminal activity and did not involve violence against a person or the use or carrying of a weapon; or

(ii) A petty offense, which is not considered grounds for stricter means of detention in any case;

(2) While in DHS or ORR's custody or while in the presence of an immigration officer, has committed, or has made credible threats to commit, a violent or malicious act (whether directed at himself/herself or others);

(3) Has engaged, while in a licensed program or staff secure facility, in conduct that has proven to be unacceptably disruptive of the normal functioning of the licensed program or staff secure facility in which he or she has been placed and removal is necessary to ensure the welfare of the UAC or others, as determined by the staff of the licensed program or staff secure facility (e.g., drug or alcohol abuse, stealing, fighting, intimidation of others, or sexually predatory behavior), and ORR determines the UAC poses a danger to self or others based on such conduct;

(4) For purposes of placement in a secure residential treatment centers (RTC), if a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist determines that the UAC poses a risk of harm to self or others; or

(5) Is otherwise a danger to self or others.

(b) ORR Federal Field Specialists review and approve all placements of UAC in secure facilities consistent with legal requirements.

(c) ORR reviews, at least monthly, the placement of a UAC into a secure, staff secure, or RTC facility to determine whether a new level of care is more appropriate.

(d) Notwithstanding ORR's ability under the rules in this subpart to place UACs who are “otherwise a danger to self or others” in secure placements, the provision in this section does not abrogate any requirements to place UACs in the least restrictive setting appropriate to their age and special needs.