46 CFR § 31.40-40 - Duration of Convention certificates—T/ALL.

§ 31.40-40 Duration of Convention certificates—T/ALL.

(a) The following certificates are valid for a period of not more than 60 months.

(1) A Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate.

(2) A Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.

(3) A Safety Management Certificate.

(4) A Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.

(b) An Exemption certificate must not be valid for longer than the period of the certificate to which it refers.

(c) A Convention certificate may be withdrawn, revoked, or suspended at any time when it is determined that the vessel is no longer in compliance with applicable requirements. (See § 2.01-70 of this chapter for procedures governing appeals.)

[USCG-1999-4976, 65 FR 6500, Feb. 9, 2000]