49 CFR § 1503.651 - Record.

§ 1503.651 Record.

(a) Exclusive record. The request for hearing, complaint, answer, transcript of all testimony in the hearing, all exhibits received into evidence, and all motions, responses to motions, applications, requests, and rulings will constitute the exclusive record for decision of the proceedings and the basis for the issuance of any orders in the proceeding.

(b) Examination and copying of record.

(1) Generally. Any person interested in reviewing or obtaining a copy of a record may do so only by submitting a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request under 5 U.S.C. 552, et seq., 49 CFR part 7, and any applicable DHS regulations. Portions of the record may be exempt from disclosure pursuant to FOIA.

(2) Docket Files or Documents Not for Public Disclosure.

(i) Only the following persons may review docket files or particular documents that are not for public disclosure:

(A) Parties to the proceedings.

(B) Their designated representatives.

(C) Persons who have a need to know as determined by the Administrator.

(ii) Those persons with permission to review these documents or docket files may view the materials at the TSA Headquarters, 601 South 12th Street, Arlington, Virginia 20598-6002. Persons with access to these records may have a copy of the records after payment of reasonable costs.