7 CFR § 1205.511 - Payment and collection.

§ 1205.511 Payment and collection.

(a) The $1 per bale assessment shall be paid by:

(1) The producer of the cotton to the collecting handler designated in § 1205.512, and

(2) The importer of cotton to the Customs Service as provided in § 1205.514.

(b) The supplemental assessment shall be paid by:

(1) The producer of the cotton to the collecting handler designated in § 1205.513, and

(2) The importer of cotton to the Customs Service as described in § 1205.515.

(c) If more than one person subject to assessment shares in the proceeds received from a bale or bale equivalent, each such person is obligated to pay that portion of the assessment that is equivalent to that person's proportionate share of the proceeds.

(d) Failure of the handler to collect the assessments on each bale shall not relieve the handler of the handler's obligation to remit the assessments to the Cotton Board as required in §§ 1205.512, 1205.513 and 1205.516.

[57 FR 29190, July 1, 1992]