Safety device

Safety device means a closure device such as a pressure relief valve, frangible disc, fusible plug, or any other type of device that functions exclusively to prevent physical damage or permanent deformation to a unit or its air emission control equipment by venting gases or vapors directly to the atmosphere during unsafe conditions resulting from an unplanned, accidental, or emergency event.


40 CFR § 63.2406

Scoping language

Terms used in this subpart are defined in the CAA, in 63.2, 40 CFR part 63, subparts H, PP, SS, TT, UU, and WW, and in this section. If the same term is defined in another subpart and in this section, it will have the meaning given in this section for purposes of this subpart. Notwithstanding the introductory language in 63.921, the terms container and safety device shall have the meaning found in this subpart and not in 63.921.

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