Case Study Committee (CSC). A school-based committee that determines a child's eligibility for special education, develops and reviews a child's individualized education program (IEP), and determines appropriate placement in the least restrictive environment. A CSC is uniquely composed for each child. Participants on a CSC must include:
(1) The designated representative of the Section 6 School Arrangement, who is qualified to supervise the provision of special education. Such representative may not be the child's special education teacher.
(2) One, or more, of the child's regular education teachers, if appropriate.
(3) A special education teacher.
(4) One, or both, of the child's parents.
(5) The child, if appropriate.
(6) A member of the evaluation team or another person knowledgeable about the evaluation procedures used with the child.
(7) Other individuals, at the discretion of the parent or the Section 6 School Arrangement, who may have pertinent information.


32 CFR § 80.3

Scoping language

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