Physician services

Physician services means the following services to the extent that they are covered by Medicare:
(1) Professional services of doctors of medicine and osteopathy (including osteopathic practitioners), doctors of optometry, doctors of podiatry, doctors of dental surgery and dental medicine, and chiropractors.
(2) Supplies and services covered “incident to” physician services (excluding drugs as specified in § 414.36).
(3) Outpatient physical and occupational therapy services if furnished by a person or an entity that is not a Medicare provider of services as defined in § 400.202 of this chapter.
(4) Diagnostic x-ray tests and other diagnostic tests (excluding diagnostic laboratory tests paid under the fee schedule established under section 1833(h) of the Act).
(5) X-ray, radium, and radioactive isotope therapy, including materials and services of technicians.
(6) Antigens, as described in section 1861(s)(2)(G) of the Act.
(7) Bone mass measurement.


42 CFR § 414.2

Scoping language

As used in this part, unless the context indicates otherwise

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