Reduction endorsement fishery

Reduction endorsement fishery means any of the seven fisheries that 679.2 of this chapter formerly (before adoption of part 680 of this chapter) defined as crab area/species endorsements, except the area/species endorsement for Norton Sound red king. More specifically, the reduction endorsement fisheries, and the crab rationalization fisheries which (after adoption of part 680 of this chapter) correspond to the reduction endorsement fisheries, are:
(1) Bristol Bay red king (the corresponding crab rationalization fishery is Bristol Bay red king crab),
(2) Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Area C. opilio and C. bairdi (the corresponding crab rationalization fisheries are two separate fisheries, one for Bering Sea snow crab and another for Bering Sea Tanner crab),
(3) Aleutian Islands brown king (the corresponding crab rationalization fisheries are the two separate fisheries, one for Eastern Aleutian Islands golden king crab and another for Western Aleutian Islands golden king crab),
(4) Aleutian Islands red king (the corresponding crab rationalization fishery is Western Aleutian Islands red king crab),
(5) Pribilof red king and Pribilof blue king (the corresponding crab rationalization fishery is Pribilof red king and blue king crab), and
(6) St. Matthew blue king (the corresponding crab rationalization fishery is also St. Matthew blue king crab).


50 CFR § 600.1104

Scoping language

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