unused rate adjustment authority

(2) Limitations.— (A) Classes of mail .— Except as provided under subparagraph (C), the annual limitations under paragraph (1)(A) shall apply to a class of mail, as defined in the Domestic Mail Classification Schedule as in effect on the date of enactment of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. (B) Rounding of rates and fees .— Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the Postal Service from rounding rates and fees to the nearest whole integer, if the effect of such rounding does not cause the overall rate increase for any class to exceed the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. (C) Use of unused rate authority.— (i) Definition .— In this subparagraph, the term “unused rate adjustment authority” means the difference between— (I) the maximum amount of a rate adjustment that the Postal Service is authorized to make in any year subject to the annual limitation under paragraph (1); and (II) the amount of the rate adjustment the Postal Service actually makes in that year. (ii) Authority .— Subject to clause (iii), the Postal Service may use any unused rate adjustment authority for any of the 5 years following the year such authority occurred. (iii) Limitations .— In exercising the authority under clause (ii) in any year, the Postal Service— (I) may use unused rate adjustment authority from more than 1 year; (II) may use any part of the unused rate adjustment authority from any year; (III) shall use the unused rate adjustment authority from the earliest year such authority first occurred and then each following year; and (IV) for any class or service, may not exceed the annual limitation under paragraph (1) by more than 2 percentage points.


39 USC § 3622(d)(2)

Scoping language

in this subsection
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