highway safety improvement project

(B)The term “highway safety improvement project” only includes a project for 1 or more of the following: (i)An intersection safety improvement. (ii)Pavement and shoulder widening (including addition of a passing lane to remedy an unsafe condition). (iii)Installation of rumble strips or another warning device, if the rumble strips or other warning devices do not adversely affect the safety or mobility of bicyclists and pedestrians, including persons with disabilities. (iv)Installation of a skid-resistant surface at an intersection or other location with a high frequency of crashes. (v)An improvement for pedestrian or bicyclist safety or safety of persons with disabilities. (vi)Construction and improvement of a railway-highway grade crossing safety feature, including installation of protective devices. (vii)The conduct of a model traffic enforcement activity at a railway-highway crossing. (viii)Construction of a traffic calming feature. (ix)Elimination of a roadside hazard. (x)Installation, replacement, and other improvement of highway signage and pavement markings, or a project to maintain minimum levels of retroreflectivity, that addresses a highway safety problem consistent with a State strategic highway safety plan. (xi)Installation of a priority control system for emergency vehicles at signalized intersections. (xii)Installation of a traffic control or other warning device at a location with high crash potential. (xiii)Transportation safety planning. (xiv)Collection, analysis, and improvement of safety data. (xv)Planning integrated interoperable emergency communications equipment, operational activities, or traffic enforcement activities (including police assistance) relating to work zone safety. (xvi)Installation of guardrails, barriers (including barriers between construction work zones and traffic lanes for the safety of road users and workers), and crash attenuators. (xvii)The addition or retrofitting of structures or other measures to eliminate or reduce crashes involving vehicles and wildlife. (xviii)Installation of yellow-green signs and signals at pedestrian and bicycle crossings and in school zones. (xix)Construction and operational improvements on high risk rural roads. (xx)Geometric improvements to a road for safety purposes that improve safety. (xxi)A road safety audit. (xxii)Roadway safety infrastructure improvements consistent with the recommendations included in the publication of the Federal Highway Administration entitled “Highway Design Handbook for Older Drivers and Pedestrians” (FHWA–RD–01–103), dated May 2001 or as subsequently revised and updated. (xxiii)Truck parking facilities eligible for funding under section 1401 of the MAP–21. (xxiv)Systemic safety improvements. (xxv)Installation of vehicle-to-infrastructure communication equipment. (xxvi)Pedestrian hybrid beacons. (xxvii)Roadway improvements that provide separation between pedestrians and motor vehicles, including medians and pedestrian crossing islands. (xxviii)A physical infrastructure safety project not described in clauses (i) through (xxvii).


23 USC § 148(a)(4)(B)

Scoping language

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