domestic farm labor

(3) the term “domestic farm labor” means any person (and the family of such person) who receives a substantial portion of his or her income from primary production of agricultural or aquacultural commodities, the handling of agricultural or aquacultural commodities in the unprocessed stage, or the processing of agricultural or aquacultural commodities, without respect to the source of employment, except that— (A) such person shall be a citizen of the United States, or a person legally admitted for permanent residence, or a person legally admitted to the United States and authorized to work in agriculture; (B) such term includes any person (and the family of such person) who is retired or disabled, but who was domestic farm labor at the time of retirement or becoming disabled; and (C) in applying this paragraph with respect to vacant units in farm labor housing, the Secretary shall make units available for occupancy in the following order of priority: (i) to active farm laborers (and their families); (ii) to retired or disabled farm laborers (and their families) who were active in the local farm labor market at the time of retiring or becoming disabled; and (iii) to other retired or disabled farm laborers (and their families).


42 USC § 1484(f)(3)

Scoping language

As used in this section
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