46 CFR § 172.005 - Applicability.

§ 172.005 Applicability.

This part applies to each vessel that carries one of the following cargoes in bulk:

(a) Grain.

(b) A cargo listed in Table 30.25-1 of this chapter.

(c) A cargo regulated under 33 CFR part 157.

(d) A cargo listed in Table 151.01-10(b) of this chapter.

(e) A cargo listed in Table I of part 153 of this chapter.

(f) A cargo listed in Table 4 of part 154 of this chapter.

(g) Any dry bulk cargo carried in a new Great Lakes vessel.

[CGD 79-023, 48 FR 51040, Nov. 4, 1983, as amended by CGD 80-159, 51 FR 33059, Sept. 18, 1986]