10 CFR § 431.485 - Energy conservation standards.

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§ 431.485 Energy conservation standards.

(a) For the purpose of paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section, “THP” means dedicated-purpose-pool pump motor total horsepower.

(b) Each dedicated-purpose pool pump motor manufactured starting on September 29, 2025, with a THP less than 0.5 THP, must have a full-load efficiency that is not less than 69 percent.

(c) Each dedicated-purpose pool pump motor manufactured starting on the dates provided in table 1 to this paragraph (c) with a THP greater than or equal to 0.5 THP must be a variable speed control dedicated-purpose pool pump motor, and must follow the requirements in paragraph (d) of this section.

Table 1 to Paragraph (c)

Equipment class Compliance date
Small-size (0.5 ≤ THP <1.15) September 28, 2027.
Standard-size (1.15 ≤ THP ≤ 5) September 29, 2025.

(d) All dedicated-purpose pool pump motors with a THP greater than or equal to 0.5 THP and distributed in commerce with freeze protection controls, must be shipped with freeze protection disabled or with the following user-adjustable settings:

(1) The default dry-bulb air temperature setting is no greater than 40 °F;

(2) The default run time setting shall be no greater than 1 hour (before the temperature is rechecked); and

(3) The default motor speed (in revolutions per minute, or rpm) in freeze protection mode shall not be more than half of the maximum operating speed.

[88 FR 67041, Sept. 28, 2023]