10 CFR § 436.101 - Definitions.
As used in this subpart—
Automotive gasoline means all grades of gasoline for use in internal combustion engines except aviation gasoline. Does not include diesel fuel.
Aviation gasoline (AVGAS) means all special grades of gasoline for use in aviation reciprocating engines.
Btu means British thermal unit; the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.
Cogeneration means the utilization of surplus energy, e.g., steam, heat or hot water produced as a by-product of the manufacture of some other form of energy, such as electricity. Thus, diesel generators are converted to cogeneration sets when they are equipped with boilers that make steam and hot water (usable as energy) from the heat of the exhaust and the water that cools the generator.
Diesel and petroleum distillate fuels means the lighter fuel oils distilled-off during the refining process. Included are heating oils, fuels, and fuel oil. The major uses of distillate fuel oils include heating, fuel for on- and off-highway diesel engines, marine diesel engines and railroad diesel fuel.
DOE means the Department of Energy.
Emergency conservation plan means a set of instructions designed to specify actions to be taken in response to a serious interruption of energy supply.
Energy efficiency goal means the ratio of production achieved to energy used.
Energy use avoidance means the amount of energy resources, e.g., gasoline, not used because of initiatives related to conservation. It is the difference between the baseline without a plan and actual consumption.
Facility means any structure or group of closely located structures, comprising a manufacturing plant, laboratory, office or service center, plus equipment.
Federal agency means any Executive agency under 5 U.S.C. 105 and the United States Postal Service, each entity specified in 5 U.S.C. 5721(1) (B) through (H) and, except that for purposes of this subpart, the Department of Defense shall be separated into four reporting organizations: the Departments of the Army, Navy and Air Force and the collective DOD agencies, with each responsible for complying with the requirements of this subpart.
Fiscal year or FY means, for a given year, October 1 of the prior year through September 30 of the given year.
Fuel types means purchased electricity, fuel oil, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, coal, purchased steam, automotive gasoline, diesel and petroleum distillate fuels, aviation gasoline, jet fuel, Navy special, and other identified fuels.
General operations means world-wide Federal agency operations, other than building operations, and includes services; production and industrial activities; operation of aircraft, ships, and land vehicles; and operation of Government-owned, contractor-operated plants.
General transportation means the use of vehicles for over-the-road driving as opposed to vehicles designed for off-road conditions, and the use of aircraft and vessels. This category does not include special purpose vehicles such as combat aircraft, construction equipment or mail delivery vehicles.
Goal means a specific statement of an intended energy conservation result which will occur within a prescribed time period. The intended result must be time-phased and must reflect expected energy use assuming planned conservation programs are implemented.
Guidelines means a set of instructions designed to prescribe, direct and regulate a course of action.
Industrial or production means the operation of facilities including buildings and plants which normally use large amounts of capital equipment, e.g., GOCO plants, to produce goods (hardware).
Jet fuel means fuels for use, generally in aircraft turbine engines.
Life cycle cost means the total cost of acquiring, operating and maintaining equipment over its economic life, including its fuel costs, determined on the basis of a systematic evaluation and comparison of alternative investments in programs, as defined in subpart A of this part.
Liquefied petroleum gas means propane, propylene-butanes, butylene, propane-butane mixtures, and isobutane that are produced at a refinery, a natural gas processing plant, or a field facility.
Maintenance means activities undertaken to assure that equipment and energy-using systems operate effectively and efficiently.
Measures means actions, procedures, devices or other means for effecting energy efficient changes in general operations which can be applied by Federal agencies.
Measure of performance means a scale against which the fulfillment of a requirement can be measured.
Navy special means a heavy fuel oil that is similar to ASTM grade No. 6 oil or Bunker C oil. It is used to power U.S. Navy ships.
Non-renewable energy source means fuel oil, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, synthetic fuels, and purchased steam or electricity, or other such energy sources.
Operational training and readiness means those activities which are necessary to establish or maintain an agency's capability to perform its primary mission. Included are major activities to provide essential personnel strengths, skills, equipment/supply inventory and equipment condition. General administrative and housekeeping activities are not included.
Overall plan means the comprehensive agency plan for conserving fuel and energy in all operations, to include both the Buildings Plan developed pursuant to subpart C of this part and the General Operations Plan.
Plan means those actions which an agency envisions it must undertake to assure attainment of energy consumption and efficiency goals without an unacceptably adverse impact on primary missions.
Program means the organized set of activities and allocation of resources directed toward a common purpose, objective, or goal undertaken or proposed by an agency in order to carry out the responsibilities assigned to it.
Renewable energy sources means sunlight, wind, geothermal, biomass, solid wastes, or other such sources of energy.
Secretary means the Secretary of the Department of Energy.
Services means the provision of administrative assistance or something of benefit to the public.
Specific Functional Category means those Federal agency activities which consume energy, or which are directly linked to energy consuming activities and which fall into one of the following groups: Services, General Transportation, Industrial or Production, Operational Training and Readiness, and Others.
Standard means an energy conservation measure determined by DOE to be applicable to a particular agency or agencies. Once established as a standard, any variance or decision not to adopt the measure requires a waiver.
Under Secretary means the Under Secretary of the Department of Energy.
Variance means the difference between actual consumption and goal.
656 Committee means the Interagency Federal Energy Policy Committee, the group designated in section 656 of the DOE Organization Act to provide general oversight for interdepartmental FEMP matters. It is chaired by the Under Secretary of DOE and includes the designated Assistant Secretaries or Assistant Administrator of the Department of Defense, Commerce, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Agriculture, Interior and the U.S. Postal Service and General Services Administration, along with similar level representatives of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Veterans Administration.