10 CFR § 625.3 - Standard sales provisions.
(a) Contents. The Standards Sales Provisions shall contain contract clauses which may be applicable to price competitive sales of SPR petroleum, including terms and conditions of sale, and purchaser financial and performance responsibility measures, or descriptions thereof. At his discretion, the Secretary or his designee may specify in a Notice of Sale which of such terms and conditions, or financial and performance responsibility measures, shall apply to a particular sale of SPR petroleum; and, he may specify any revisions in such terms, conditions and measures, and any additional terms, conditions and measures which shall be applicable to that sale, that are consistent with the SPR Drawdown Plan adopted on December 1, 1982.
(b) Acceptance by offerors. All offerors must, as part of their offers for SPR petroleum in response to a Notice of Sale, agree without exception to all contractual provisions and financial and performance responsibility measures which the Notice of Sale makes applicable to the particular sale.
(c) Award of contracts. No contract for the sale of SPR petroleum may be awarded to any offeror who has not unconditionally agreed to all contractual provisions and financial and performance responsibility measures which the Notice of Sale makes applicable to the particular sale.
(d) Contract documents. The terms and conditions which the Notice of Sale makes applicable to a particular sale may be incorporated into a contract for the sale of SPR petroleum by reference to the Notice of Sale.