11 CFR § 110.12 - Candidate appearances on public educational institution premises.
(a) Rental of facilities at usual and normal charge. Any unincorporated public educational institution exempt from federal taxation under 26 U.S.C. 115, such as a school, college or university, may make its facilities available to any candidate or political committee in the ordinary course of business and at the usual and normal charge. In this event, the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section are not applicable.
(b) Use of facilities at no charge or at less than the usual and normal charge. An unincorporated public educational institution exempt from federal taxation under 26 U.S.C. 115, such as a school, college or university, may sponsor appearances by candidates, candidates' representatives or representatives of political parties at which such individuals address or meet the institution's academic community or the general public (whichever is invited) on the educational institution's premises at no charge or at less than the usual and normal charge, if:
(1) The educational institution makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the appearances constitute speeches, question and answer sessions, or similar communications in an academic setting, and makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the appearances are not conducted as campaign rallies or events; and
(2) The educational institution does not, in conjunction with the appearance, expressly advocate the election or defeat of any clearly identified candidate(s) or candidates of a clearly identified political party, and does not favor any one candidate or political party over any other in allowing such appearances.