12 CFR § 303.42 - Filing procedures.

§ 303.42 Filing procedures.

(a) General. An applicant shall submit an application to the appropriate FDIC office on the date the notice required by § 303.44 is published, or within 5 days after the date of the last required publication.

(b) Content of filing. A complete letter application shall include the following information:

(1) A statement of intent to establish a branch, or to relocate the main office or a branch;

(2) The exact location of the proposed site including the street address. With regard to messenger services, specify the geographic area in which the services will be available. With regard to a mobile branch specify the community or communities in which the vehicle will operate and the manner in which it will be used;

(3) Details concerning any involvement in the proposal by an insider of the bank as defined in § 303.2(u), including any financial arrangements relating to fees, the acquisition of property, leasing of property, and construction contracts;

(4) Comments on any changes in services to be offered, the community to be served, or any other effect the proposal may have on the applicant's compliance with the CRA;

(5) A copy of each newspaper publication required by § 303.44 of this subpart, the name and address of the newspaper, and date of the publication;

(6) When an application is submitted to relocate the main office of the applicant from one state to another, a statement of the applicant's intent regarding retention of branches in the state where the main office exists prior to relocation.

(c) Undercapitalized institutions. Applications to establish a branch by applicants subject to section 38 of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1831o) also should provide the information required by § 303.204. Applications pursuant to sections 38 and 18(d) of the FDI Act (12 U.S.C. 1831o and 1828(d)) may be filed concurrently or as a single application.

(d) Additional information. The FDIC may request additional information to complete processing.

[67 FR 79247, Dec. 27, 2002, as amended at 85 FR 72555, Nov. 13, 2020]