12 CFR Subpart B - Subpart B—Salary Offset
- § 1208.20 Authority and scope.
- § 1208.21 Notice requirements before salary offset where FHFA is the creditor agency.
- § 1208.22 Review of FHFA records related to the debt.
- § 1208.23 Opportunity for a hearing where FHFA is the creditor agency.
- § 1208.24 Certification where FHFA is the creditor agency.
- § 1208.25 Voluntary repayment agreements as alternative to salary offset where FHFA is the creditor agency.
- § 1208.26 Special review where FHFA is the creditor agency.
- § 1208.27 Notice of salary offset where FHFA is the paying agency.
- § 1208.28 Procedures for salary offset where FHFA is the paying agency.
- § 1208.29 Coordinating salary offset with other agencies.
- § 1208.30 Interest, penalties, and administrative costs.
- § 1208.31 Refunds.
- § 1208.32 Request from a creditor agency for the services of a hearing official.
- § 1208.33 Non-waiver of rights by payments.