13 CFR § 108.2040 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
(a) NMVC Companies. Policies governing reporting, record retention, and recordkeeping requirements applicable to NMVC Companies may be found in subpart H of this part. NMVC Companies also must comply with all reporting, record retention, and recordkeeping requirements set forth in Circular A-110 of the Office of Management and Budget (for availability, see 5 CFR 1310.3) and any grant award document executed between SBA and the NMVC Company.
(b) SSBICs. An SSBIC receiving an Operational Assistance grant award must comply with all reporting, record retention and recordkeeping requirements set forth in Circular A-110 of the Office of Management and Budget and any grant award document executed between SBA and the SSBIC, as well as the reporting requirements in § 108.630(f) and the filing requirement in § 108.640.