13 CFR § 128.400 - What are VOSB and SDVOSB contracts?

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§ 128.400 What are VOSB and SDVOSB contracts?

(a) VOSB contracts are exclusively VA procurements, including prime contracts and sub contracts for which the VA is the procuring agency. For VA procurements, the VAAR (48 CFR chapter 8) specifically governs requirements exclusive to VA prime and subcontracting actions. The VAAR supplements the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which contains guidance applicable to most Federal agencies.

(b) SDVOSB contracts, including Multiple Award Contracts (see § 125.1 of this chapter), are contracts available to an SDVOSB through any of the following procurement methods:

(1) Sole source awards to an SDVOSB;

(2) Set-aside awards, including partial set-asides, based on competition restricted to SDVOSBs;

(3) Awards based on a reserve for SDVOSBs in a solicitation for a Multiple Award Contract (see § 125.1 of this chapter); or

(4) Orders set aside for SDVOSBs against a Multiple Award Contract, which had been awarded in full and open competition or as a small business set-aside.