14 CFR § 1264.120 - Discovery.
(a) The following types of discovery are authorized:
(1) Requests for production of documents for inspection and copying;
(2) Requests for admissions of the authenticity of any relevant document or of the truth of any relevant fact;
(3) Written interrogatories; and
(4) Depositions.
(b) For the purpose of this section and §§ 1264.121 and 1264.122, the term documents includes information, documents, reports, answers, records, accounts, papers, and other data and documentary evidence which the presiding officer considers relevant and material to the hearing. Nothing contained herein shall be interpreted to require the creation of a document.
(c) Unless mutually agreed to by the parties, discovery is available only as ordered by the presiding officer. The presiding officer shall regulate the timing of discovery.
(d) Motions for discovery.
(1) A party seeking discovery may file a motion with the presiding officer. Such a motion shall be accompanied by a copy of the discovery request or, in the case of depositions, a summary of the scope of the proposed deposition.
(2) Within 10 days of service, a party may file an opposition to the motion and/or a motion for protective order as provided in § 1264.123.
(3) The presiding officer may grant a motion for discovery only if he/she finds that the discovery sought—
(i) Is necessary for the expeditious, fair, and reasonable consideration of the issues;
(ii) Is not unduly costly or burdensome;
(iii) Will not unduly delay the proceeding; and
(iv) Does not seek privileged information.
(4) The burden of showing that discovery should be allowed is on the party seeking discovery.
(5) The presiding officer may grant discovery subject to a protective order under § 1264.123.
(e) Depositions.
(1) If a motion for deposition is granted, the presiding officer shall issue a subpoena for the deponent, which may require the deponent to produce documents. The subpoena shall specify the time and place at which the deposition will be held.
(2) The party seeking to depose shall serve the subpoena in the manner prescribed in § 1264.107.
(3) The deponent may file with the presiding officer a motion to quash the subpoena or a motion for a protective order within 10 days of service.
(4) The party seeking to depose shall provide for the taking of a verbatim transcript of the deposition, which it shall make available to all other parties for inspection and copying.
(f) Each party shall bear its own costs of discovery.