14 CFR Part 1214 - PART 1214—SPACE FLIGHT
- Subparts 1214.1–1214.3 [Reserved]
- Subpart 1214.4—International Space Station Crew (§§ 1214.400 - 1214.404)
- Subpart 1214.5 [Reserved]
- Subpart 1214.6—Mementos Aboard NASA Missions (§§ 1214.600 - 1214.610)
- Subpart 1214.7—The Authority of the NASA Commander (§§ 1214.700 - 1214.704)
- Subparts 1214.8–1214.10 [Reserved]
- Subpart 1214.11—NASA Astronaut Candidate Recruitment and Selection Program (§§ 1214.1100 - 1214.1107)
- Subparts 1214.12–1214.17 [Reserved]
57 FR 4545, Feb. 6, 1992, unless otherwise noted.