15 CFR § 950.3 - National Climatic Center (NCC).

§ 950.3 National Climatic Center (NCC).

The National Climatic Center acquires, processes, archives, analyzes, and disseminates climatological data; develops analytical and descriptive products to meet user requirements; and provides facilities for the World Data Center-A (Meteorology). It is the collection center and custodian of all United States weather records, the largest of the EDIS centers, and the largest climatic center in the world.

(a) Climatic data available from NCC include:

(1) Hourly Surface Observations from Land Stations (ceiling, sky cover, visibility, precipitation or other weather phenomena, obstructions to vision, pressure, temperature, dew point, wind direction, wind speed, gustiness).

(2) Three-Hourly and Six-Hourly Surface Observations from Land Stations, Ocean Weather Stations, and Moving Ships (variable data content).

(3) Upper Air Observations (radiosondes, rawinsondes, rocketsondes, low-level soundings, pilot-balloon winds, aircraft reports).

(4) Radar Observations (radar log sheets, radar scope photography).

(5) Selected Maps and Charts (National Meteorological Center products).

(6) Derived and Summary Data (grid points, computer tabulations, digital summary data).

(7) Special Collections (Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment meteorological data, Global Atmospheric Research Program basic data set, solar radiation data, many others).

(b) Queries should be addressed to: National Climatic Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville, NC 28801, tel. 704-258-2850, Ext. 683.