16 CFR § 1616.62 - Policy regarding retail display requirements for items.
For purposes of the retail display and identification requirements of § 1616.31(c), and for those purposes only, any item which was manufactured before May 1, 1975, and for which a retailer has documentary evidence of compliance with all sampling and testing requirements of the Standard (FF 5-74) (subpart A of this part), will be deemed to be a complying item notwithstanding the absence of an affirmative label to indicate compliance with the Standard as required by § 1616.6(b) of the Standard and § 1616.31(b)(8), or the absence of a garment production unit identification or style identification which meets all requirements of § 1616.31(b) (4) and (7), provided that such an item complies with all other labeling requirements of § 1616.31(b).