16 CFR § 305.26 - Promotional material displayed or distributed at point of sale.

§ 305.26 Promotional material displayed or distributed at point of sale.


(1) Any manufacturer, distributor, retailer or private labeler who prepares printed material for display or distribution at point of sale concerning a covered product (except fluorescent lamp ballasts, metal halide lamp fixtures, general service fluorescent lamps, general service lamps, showerheads, faucets, water closets or urinals) shall clearly and conspicuously include in such printed material the following required disclosure:

Before purchasing this appliance, read important information about its estimated annual energy consumption, yearly operating cost, or energy efficiency rating that is available from your retailer.

(2) Any manufacturer, distributor, retailer or private labeler who prepares printed material for display or distribution at point of sale concerning a covered product that is a fluorescent lamp ballast or metal halide lamp fixture to which standards are applicable under section 325 of the Act, shall disclose conspicuously in such printed material, in each description of such product, an encircled capital letter “E”.

(3) Any manufacturer, distributer, retailer, or private labeler who prepares printed material for display or distribution at point of sale concerning a covered product that is a general service fluorescent lamp, general service lamps, and who makes any representation in such promotional material regarding the cost of operation of such lamp shall clearly and conspicuously disclose in close proximity to such representation the assumptions upon which it is based, including, e.g., purchase price, unit cost of electricity, hours of use, and patterns of use.

(4) Any manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or private labeler who prepares printed material for display or distribution at point-of-sale concerning a covered product that is a showerhead, faucet, water closet, or urinal shall clearly and conspicuously include in such printed material the product's water use, expressed in gallons and liters per minute (gpm and L/min) or per cycle (gpc and L/cycle) or gallons and liters per flush (gpf and Lpf) as specified in this part.

(b) This section shall not apply to:

(1) Written warranties.

(2) Use and care manuals, installation instructions, or other printed material containing primarily post-purchase information for the purchaser.

(3) Printed material containing only the identification of a covered product, pricing information and/or non-energy related representations concerning that product.

(4) Any printed material distributed prior to the effective date listed in § 305.7(e).

[59 FR 34036, July 1, 1994, as amended at 59 FR 67530, Dec. 29, 1994; 60 FR 14211, Mar. 16, 1995. Redesignated at 72 FR 49971, Aug. 29, 2007, as amended at 72 FR 49974, Aug. 29, 2007; 73 FR 39226, July 9, 2008; 75 FR 41716, July 19, 2010. Redesignated at 84 FR 58029, Oct. 30, 2019, as amended at 84 FR 58037, Oct. 30, 2019]