2 CFR Appendix F to Part 1136 - Appendix F to Part 1136—Terms and Conditions for OAR Article VI, “Closeout”

Appendix F to Part 1136—Terms and Conditions for OAR Article VI, “Closeout”

As required by § 1136.605, a DoD Component's general terms and conditions must use the following wording for OAR Article VI but may make a substitution in paragraph C.4 of the article as provided in that section.

OAR Article VI. Closeout. (DECEMBER 2014)

Section A. Liquidation of obligations. Unless the award administration office authorizes an extension of the due date, you must liquidate all obligations that you incurred under this award not later than 120 calendar days after the end date of the period of performance.

Section B. Refunds of unobligated balances. You must promptly refund to the award administration office any balances of unobligated cash that we have advanced or paid to you and not authorized you to use on other projects or programs.

Section C. Final reports. You must submit the:

1. Final performance report under this award no later than the date specified in Section C of REP Article I, subject to any extensions granted under Section D of that article;

2. Final financial report under this award no later than the date specified in Section C of REP Article II, subject to any extensions granted under Section D of that article;

3. Final report listing subject inventions made under the award no later than the date specified in Section B of PROP Article VI; and

4. Other final reports that are required under this award no later than 90 calendar days after the end date of the period of performance, unless you request an extension of the due date and the award administration office approves the request.

Section D. Accounting for property. You must account for any real property, equipment, supplies, and intangible property that you and any subrecipients acquired or improved under the award, in accordance with PROP Articles I through IV and VI. Your requests for disposition instructions for any federally owned property, as required by PROP Article V, meet the need described in OMB guidance at 2 CFR 200.343(f) to account for that property at closeout.