20 CFR § 1001.124 - Standards of performance governing State agency cooperation and coordination with other agencies and organizations.

§ 1001.124 Standards of performance governing State agency cooperation and coordination with other agencies and organizations.

(a) Each State agency shall establish cooperative working relationships through written agreements with the Veterans Administration (VA) offices serving the State to maximize the use of VA employment and training programs for veterans and eligible persons.

(b) All programs and activities governed by this subpart will be coordinated to the maximum extent feasible with other programs and activities under 38 U.S.C., the Wagner-Peyser Act, the Job Training Partnership Act, and other employment and training programs at the State and local level.

(c) Such relationships or agreements may be described in the Governor's Coordination and Special Services Plan prepared according to section 121(b) of the Job Training Partnership Act (Pub. L. 97-300).