20 CFR § 266.8 - Advance notice of the determination to make representative payment.
(a) As a general rule, whenever the Board intends to make representative payment and to name a representative payee, the Board will notify the annuitant or, in the case of an unemancipated minor under age 18, or an individual who is legally incompetent, the individual acting on his or her behalf of the Board's proposed actions. Such notice will tell the person that the Board plans to name a representative payee and who that payee will be. The notice will also ask the person to contact the Board within 15 days of the date of the notice if he or she objects to either proposed action. If he or she objects to either proposed action, the objecting party may—
(1) Review the evidence upon which the proposed actions will be based; and
(2) Submit any additional evidence regarding the proposed actions.
(b) If the objecting party objects to the proposed actions, the Board will review its proposed determinations and consider any additional information provided. The Board will then issue a decision on whether to appoint a representative payee and who that payee will be. If the objecting party is dissatisfied with either determination, he or she may request a reconsideration under part 260 of this chapter.
(c) If the objecting party does not file a timely objection to the proposed actions, the Board will issue a decision on whether to appoint a representative payee and who that payee will be. If the objecting party is dissatisfied with either determination, he or she may request a reconsideration under part 260 of this chapter.
(d) A request for reconsideration or an appeal from a determination under this section under part 260 of this chapter shall not prevent the Board from making payments to a representative payee during the pendency of such reconsideration or appeal.
(e) The Board's failure or refusal to select an individual as representative payee or the Board's termination of representative payee status with respect to an individual is not subject to a request for reconsideration or an appeal under part 260 of this chapter by such individual.