20 CFR § 683.630 - What additional appeal processes or systems must a State have for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program?
(a) Non-designation of local areas:
(1) The State must establish, and include in its State Plan, due process procedures which provide expeditious appeal to the State WDB for a unit of general local government (including a combination of such units) or grant recipient that requests, but is not granted, initial or subsequent designation of an area as a local area under WIOA sec. 106(b)(2) or 106(b)(3) and § 679.250 of this chapter.
(2) These procedures must provide an opportunity for a hearing and prescribe appropriate time limits to ensure prompt resolution of the appeal.
(3) If the appeal to the State WDB does not result in designation, the appellant may request review by the Secretary under § 683.640.
(b) Denial or termination of eligibility as a training provider:
(1) A State must establish procedures which allow providers of training services the opportunity to appeal:
(i) Denial of eligibility by a Local WDB or the designated State agency under WIOA sec. 122(b), 122(c), or 122(d).
(ii) Termination of eligibility or other action by a Local WDB or State agency under WIOA sec. 122(f); or
(iii) Denial of eligibility as a provider of on-the-job training (OJT) or customized training by a one-stop operator under WIOA sec. 122(h).
(2) Such procedures must provide an opportunity for a hearing and prescribe appropriate time limits to ensure prompt resolution of the appeal.
(3) A decision under this State appeal process may not be appealed to the Secretary.
(c) Testing and sanctioning for use of controlled substances.
(1) A State must establish due process procedures, in accordance with WIOA sec. 181(f), which provide expeditious appeal for:
(i) Participants in programs under title I, subtitle B of WIOA subject to testing for use of controlled substances, imposed under a State policy established under WIOA sec. 181(f)(1); and
(ii) Participants in programs under title I, subtitle B of WIOA who are sanctioned, in accordance with WIOA sec. 181(f)(2), after testing positive for the use of controlled substances, under the policy described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.
(2) A decision under this State appeal process may not be appealed to the Secretary.