20 CFR Subpart F - Subpart F—Representative Payment
- § 416.601 Introduction.
- § 416.610 When payment will be made to a representative payee.
- § 416.611 What happens to your monthly benefits while we are finding a suitable representative payee for you?
- § 416.615 Information considered in determining whether to make representative payment.
- § 416.618 Advance designation of representative payees.
- § 416.620 Information considered in selecting a representative payee.
- § 416.621 What is our order of preference in selecting a representative payee for you?
- § 416.622 Who may not serve as a representative payee?
- § 416.624 How do we investigate a representative payee applicant?
- § 416.625 What information must a representative payee report to us?
- § 416.626 How do we investigate an appointed representative payee?
- § 416.630 How will we notify you when we decide you need a representative payee?
- § 416.635 What are the responsibilities of your representative payee?
- § 416.640 Use of benefit payments.
- § 416.640a Compensation for qualified organizations serving as representative payees.
- § 416.641 Who is liable if your representative payee misuses your benefits?
- § 416.645 Conservation and investment of benefit payments.
- § 416.650 When will we select a new representative payee for you?
- § 416.655 When representative payment will be stopped.
- § 416.660 Transfer of accumulated benefit payments.
- § 416.665 How does your representative payee account for the use of benefits?
Secs. 205(j)(1)(C), 702(a)(5), 1631(a)(2) and (d)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 405(j)(1)(C), 902(a)(5), 1383(a)(2) and (d)(1)).
47 FR 30475, July 14, 1982, unless otherwise noted.