22 CFR § 19.11-7 - Annuity payable to surviving child or children.
(a) If a participant who has at least 18 months of civilian service credit under the System dies in service, or if an annuitant who was a former participant dies, annuities are payable to a surviving child or children, as defined in § 19.2(e) as follows:
(1) When survived by spouse and child or children. If a principal is survived by a wife or husband and by a child or children, in addition to any other annuity, there shall be paid to or on behalf of each child an annuity equal to the smallest of:
(i) $900
(ii) $2,700 divided by the number of children—adjusted under paragraph (b).
(2) When survived by a child or children but no spouse. If the principal is not survived by a wife or husband, but by a child or children, each surviving child shall be paid an annuity equal to the smallest of:
(i) $1,080
(ii) $3,240 divided by the number of children—adjusted under paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Adjusted rates. In order to reflect cost-of-living increases, the amounts referred to in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) are increased from the commencing date of the annuity to each child by the cumulative percentage of all cost-of-living increases that have occurred under 5 U.S.C. 8340 since October 31, 1969.
(c) Recomputation of annuity for child or children. If a surviving wife or husband dies or the annuity of a child is terminated, the annuities of any remaining children shall be recomputed and paid as though such spouse or child had not survived the participant. If the annuity to a surviving child who has not been receiving an annuity is initiated or resumed, the annuities of any other children shall be recomputed and paid from that date as though the annuities to all currently eligible children in the family were then being initiated.