22 CFR § 42.11 - Classification symbols.

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§ 42.11 Classification symbols.

An immigrant visa issued to an applicant who applies to one of the classes described below shall bear an appropriate visa symbol to show its classification.

Table 1 to § 42.11

Symbol Class Section of law
Immediate Relatives
IR1 Spouse of U.S. Citizen INA 201(b).
IR2 Child of U.S. Citizen INA 201(b).
IR3 Orphan Adopted Abroad by U.S. Citizen INA 201(b) & INA 101(b)(1)(F).
IH3 Child from Hague Convention Country Adopted Abroad by U.S. Citizen INA 201(b) & INA 101(b)(1)(G).
IR4 Orphan to be Adopted in U.S. by U.S. Citizen INA 201(b) & INA 101(b)(1)(F).
IH4 Child from Hague Convention Country to be Adopted in U.S. by U.S. Citizen INA 201(b) & INA 101(b)(1)(G).
IR5 Parent of U.S. Citizen at Least 21 Years of Age INA 201(b).
CR1 Spouse of U.S. Citizen (Conditional Status) INA 201(b) & INA 216.
CR2 Child of U.S. Citizen (Conditional Status) INA 201(b) & INA 216.
IW1 Certain Spouses of Deceased U.S. Citizens INA 201(b).
IW2 Child of IW1 INA 201(b).
IB1 Self-petition Spouse of U.S. Citizen INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iii).
IB2 Self-petition Child of U.S. Citizen INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iv).
IB3 Child of IB1 INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iii).
IB5 Self-petition Parent of U.S. Citizen INA 204(a)(1)(A)(vii).
VI5 Parent of U.S. Citizen Who Acquired Permanent Resident Status under the Virgin Islands Nonimmigrant Alien Adjustment Act INA 201(b) & Section 2 of the Virgin Islands Nonimmigrant Alien Adjustment Act (Pub. L. 97-271).
Vietnam Amerasian Immigrants
AM1 Vietnam Amerasian Principal Section 584(b)(1)(A) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1988 (as contained in section 101(e) of Pub. L. 100-102) as amended.
AM2 Spouse or Child of AM1 Section 584(b)(1)(A) and 584(b)(1)(B) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1988 (as contained in section 101(e) of Pub. L. 100-102) as amended.
AM3 Natural Mother of AM1 (and Spouse or Child of Such Mother) or Person Who has Acted in Effect as the Mother, Father, or Next-of-Kin of AM1 (and Spouse or Child of Such Person) Section 584(b)(1)(A) and 584(b)(1)(C) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1988 (as contained in section 101(e) of Pub. L. 100-102) as amended.
Special Immigrants
SB1 Returning Resident INA 101(a)(27)(A).
SC1 Person Who Lost U.S. Citizenship by Marriage INA 101(a)(27)(B) & INA 324(a).
SC2 Person Who Lost U.S. Citizenship by Serving in Foreign Armed Forces INA 101(a)(27)(B) & INA 327.
SI1 Certain Persons Employed by the U.S. Government in Iraq or Afghanistan as Translators or Interpreters Section 1059 of Public Law 109-163, as amended.
SI2 Spouse of SI1 Section 1059 of Public Law 109-163, as amended.
SI3 Child of SI1 Section 1059 of Public Law 109-163, as amended.
SM1 Person Recruited Outside the United States Who Has Served or is Enlisted to Serve in the U.S. Armed Forces for 12 Years INA 101(a)(27)(K).
SM2 Spouse of SM1 INA 101(a)(27)(K).
SM3 Child of SM1 INA 101(a)(27)(K).
SQ1 Certain Iraqis or Afghans Employed by or on Behalf of the U.S. Government Section 602(b), Division F, Title VI, Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009, Public Law 111-8, as amended and Section 1244 of Public Law 110-181, as amended.
SQ2 Spouse of SQ1 Section 602(b), Division F, Title VI, Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009, Public Law 111-8, as amended and Section 1244 of Public Law 110-181, as amended.
SQ3 Child of SQ1 Section 602(b), Division F, Title VI, Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009, Public Law 111-8, as amended and Section 1244 of Public Law 110-181, as amended.
SU2 Spouse of U1 INA 245(m)(3) & INA 101(a)(15)(U)(ii).
SU3 Child of U1 INA 245(m)(3) & INA 101(a)(15)(U)(ii).
SU5 Parent of U1 INA 245(m)(3) & INA 101(a)(15)(U)(ii).
Family-Sponsored Preferences
Family 1st Preference
F11 Unmarried Son or Daughter of U.S. Citizen INA 203(a)(1).
F12 Child of F11 INA 203(b) & INA 203(a)(1).
B11 Self-petition Unmarried Son or Daughter of U.S. Citizen INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iv) & INA 203(a)(1).
B12 Child of B11 INA 203(d), INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iv), & INA 203(a)(i).
Family 2nd Preference (Subject to Per-Country Limitations)
F21 Spouse of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 203(a)(2)(A).
F22 Child of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 203(a)(2)(A).
F23 Child of F21 or F22 INA 203(d) & INA 203(a)(2)(A).
F24 Unmarried Son or Daughter of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 203(a)(2)(B).
F25 Child of F24 INA 203(d) & INA 203(a)(2)(B).
C21 Spouse of Lawful Permanent Resident (Conditional) INA 203(a)(2)(A) & INA 216.
C22 Child of Lawful Permanent Resident (Conditional) INA 203(a)(2)(A) & INA 216.
C23 Child of C21 or C22 (Conditional) INA 203(a)(2)(A), INA 203(d) & INA 216.
C24 Unmarried Son or Daughter of Lawful Permanent Resident (Conditional) INA 203(a)(2)(B) & INA 216.
C25 Child of C24 (Conditional) INA 203(a)(2)(B), INA 203(d), & INA 216.
B21 Self-petition Spouse of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 204(a)(1)(B)(ii).
B22 Self-petition Child of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 204(a)(1)(B)(iii).
B23 Child of B21 or B22 INA 203(d) & INA 204(a)(1)(B)(ii).
B24 Self-petition Unmarried Son or Daughter of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 204(a)(1)(B)(iii).
B25 Child of B24 INA 203(d) & INA 204(a)(1)(B)(iii).
Family 2nd Preference (Exempt from Per-Country Limitations)
FX1 Spouse of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 202(a)(4)(A) & INA 203(a)(2)(A).
FX2 Child of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 202(a)(4)(A) & INA 203(a)(2)(A).
FX3 Child of FX1 or FX2 INA 202(a)(4)(A), INA 203(a)(2)(A), & INA 203(d).
CX1 Spouse of Lawful Permanent Resident (Conditional) INA 202(a)(4)(A), INA 203(a)(2)(A), & INA 216.
CX2 Child of Lawful Permanent Resident (Conditional) INA 202(a)(4), INA 203(a)(2)(A), & INA 216.
CX3 Child of CX1 or CX2 (Conditional) INA 202(a)(4)(A), INA 203(a)(2)(A), INA 203(d), & INA 216.
BX1 Self-petition Spouse of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 204(a)(1)(B)(ii).
BX2 Self-petition Child of Lawful Permanent Resident INA 204(a)(1)(B)(iii).
BX3 Child of BX1 or BX2 INA 203(d) & INA 204(a)(1)(B)(ii).
Family 3rd Preference
F31 Married Son or Daughter of U.S. Citizen INA 203(a)(3).
F32 Spouse of F31 INA 203(d) & INA 203(a)(3).
F33 Child of F31 INA 203(d) & INA 203(a)(3).
C31 Married Son or Daughter of U.S. Citizen (Conditional) INA 203(a)(3) & INA 216.
C32 Spouse of C31 (Conditional) INA 203(d), INA 203(a)(3), & INA 216.
C33 Child of C31 (Conditional) INA 203(d), INA 203(a)(3), & INA 216.
B31 Self-petition Married Son or Daughter of U.S. Citizen INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iv) & INA 203(a)(3).
B32 Spouse of B31 INA 203(d), INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iv) & INA 203(a)(3).
B33 Child of B31 INA 203(d), INA 204(a)(1)(A)(iv), & INA 203(a)(3).
Family 4th Preference
F41 Brother or Sister of U.S. Citizen at Least 21 Years of Age INA 203(a)(4).
F42 Spouse of F41 INA 203(a)(4) & INA 203(d).
F43 Child of F41 INA 203(a)(4) & INA 203(d).
Employment-Based Preferences
Employment 1st Preference (Priority Workers)
E11 Person with Extraordinary Ability INA 203(b)(1)(A).
E12 Outstanding Professor or Researcher INA 203(b)(1)(B).
E13 Multinational Executive or Manager INA 203(b)(1)(C).
E14 Spouse of E11, E12, or E13 INA 203(d), INA 203(b)(1)(A), INA 203(b)(1)(B), & INA 203(b)(1)(C).
E15 Child of E11, E12, or E13 INA 203(d), INA 203(b)(1)(A), INA 203(b)(1)(B), & INA 203(b)(1)(C).
Employment 2nd Preference (Professionals Holding Advanced Degrees or Persons of Exceptional Ability)
E21 Professional Holding Advanced Degree or Person of Exceptional Ability INA 203(b)(2).
E22 Spouse of E21 INA 203(b)(2) & INA 203(d).
E23 Child of E21 INA 203(b)(2) & INA 203(d).
Employment 3rd Preference (Skilled Workers, Professionals, or Other Workers)
E31 Skilled Worker INA 203(b)(3)(A)(i).
E32 Professional Holding Baccalaureate Degree INA 203(b)(3)(A)(ii).
E34 Spouse of E31 or E32 INA 203(b)(3)(A)(i), INA 203(b)(3)(A)(ii), & INA 203(d).
E35 Child of E31 or E32 INA 203(b)(3)(A)(i), INA 203(B)(3)(A)(ii), & INA 203(d).
EW3 Other Worker (Subgroup Numerical Limit) INA 203(b)(3)(A)(iii).
EW4 Spouse of EW3 INA 203(b)(3)(A)(iii) & INA 203(d).
EW5 Child of EW3 INA 203(b)(3)(A)(iii) & INA 203(d).
Employment 4th Preference (Certain Special Immigrants)
BC1 Broadcaster in the U.S. Employed by the International Broadcasting Bureau of the Broadcasting Board of Governors or a Grantee of Such Organization INA 101(a)(27)(M) & INA 203(b)(4).
BC2 Accompanying Spouse of BC1 INA 101(a)(27)(M) & INA 203(b)(4).
BC3 Accompanying Child of BC1 INA 101(a)(27)(M) & INA 203(b)(4).
SD1 Minister of Religion INA 101(a)(27)(C)(ii)(I) & INA 203(b)(4).
SD2 Spouse of SD1 INA 101(a)(27)(C)(ii)(I) & INA 203(b)(4).
SD3 Child of SD1 INA 101(a)(27)(C)(ii)(I) & INA 203(b)(4).
SE1 Certain Employee or Former Employee of the U.S. Government Abroad INA 101(a)(27)(D) & INA 203(b)(4).
SE2 Spouse of SE1 INA 101(a)(27)(D) & INA 203(b)(4).
SE3 Child of SE1 INA 101(a)(27)(D) & INA 203(b)(4).
SF1 Former Employee of the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government INA 101(a)(27)(E) & INA 203 (b)(4).
SF2 Spouse or Child of SF1 INA 101(a)(27)(E) & INA 203 (b)(4).
SG1 Former Employee of the U.S. Government in the Panama Canal Zone (Panamanian National) INA 101(a)(27)(F) & INA 203 (b)(4).
SG2 Spouse or Child of SG1 INA 101(a)(27)(F) & INA 203 (b)(4).
SH1 Former Employee of the Panama Canal Company or Canal Zone Government (Five Years of Service) INA 101(a)(27)(G) & INA 203(b)(4).
SH2 Spouse or Child of SH1 INA 101(a)(27)(G) & INA 203(b)(4).
SJ1 Foreign Medical Graduate (Adjustment Only) INA 101(a)(27)(H).
SJ2 Spouse or Child of SJ1 INA 101(a)(27)(H) & INA 203(b)(4).
SK1 Retired International Organization Employee INA 101(a)(27)(I)(iii) & INA 203(b)(4).
SK2 Spouse of SK1 INA 101(a)(27)(I)(iv) & INA 203(b)(4).
SK3 Unmarried Son or Daughter of SK1 INA 101(a)(27)(I)(i) & INA 203(b)(4).
SK4 Surviving Spouse of a Deceased International Organization Employee INA 101(a)(27)(I)(ii) & INA 203(b)(4).
SL1 Juvenile Court Dependent (Adjustment Only) INA 101(a)(27)(J) & INA 203(b)(4).
SN1 Retired NATO6 Civilian Employee INA 101(a)(27)(L) & INA 203(b)(4).
SN2 Spouse of SN1 INA 101(a)(27)(L) & INA 203(b)(4).
SN3 Unmarried Son or Daughter of SN1 INA 101(a)(27)(L) & INA 203(b)(4).
SN4 Surviving Spouse of Deceased NATO6 Civilian Employee INA 101(a)(27)(L) & INA 203(b)(4).
SP Beneficiary of a Petition or Labor Certification Application Filed Prior to September 11, 2001, if the Petition or Application was Rendered Void Due to the Terrorist Acts of September 11, 2001, or the Spouse, Child of such Beneficiary, or the Grandparent of a Child Orphaned by a Terrorist Act of September 11, 2001 Section 421 of Public Law 107-56.
SR1 Religious Worker INA 101(a)(27)(C)(ii)(II) & (III), as amended & INA 203(b)(4).
SR2 Spouse of SR1 INA 101(a)(27)(C)(ii)(II) & (III), as amended & INA 203(b)(4).
SR3 Child of SR1 INA 101(a)(27)(C)(ii)(II) & (III), as amended & INA 203(b)(4).
SS1 Surviving Spouse or Child of an Employee of the United States Government Abroad INA 101(a)(27)(D)(ii).
Employment 5th Preference (Employment Creation Conditional Status) (Petitions Filed Before March 15, 2022)
C51 Employment Creation, Outside Targeted Area INA 203(b)(5)(A).
C52 Spouse of C51 INA 203(b)(5)(A) & INA 203(d).
C53 Child of C51 INA 203(b)(5)(A) & INA 203(d).
T51 Employment Creation in Targeted Rural/High Unemployment Area INA 203(b)(5)(B).
T52 Spouse of T51 INA 203(b)(5)(B) & INA 203(d).
T53 Child of T51 INA 203(b)(5)(B) & INA 203(d).
R51 Regional Center Program, Not in Targeted Area INA 203(b)(5) & Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as amended.
R52 Spouse of R51 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), & Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as amended.
R53 Child of R51 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), & Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as amended.
I51 Regional Center Program, Target Area INA 203(b)(5) & Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as amended.
I52 Spouse of I51 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), & Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as amended.
I53 Child of I51 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), & Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as amended.
Employment 5th Preference (Employment Creation Conditional Status) (Petitions Filed On or After March 15, 2022)
NU1 Investor in Non-Regional Center, Unreserved INA 203(b)(5), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NU2 Spouse of NU1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NU3 Child of NU1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RU1 Investor in Regional Center, Unreserved INA 203(b)(5), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RU2 Spouse of RU1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RU3 Child of RU1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NR1 Investor in Non-Regional Center, Set Aside—Rural INA 203(b)(5), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NR2 Spouse of NR1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NR3 Child of NR1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NH1 Investor in Non-Regional Center, Set Aside—High Unemployment INA 203(b)(5), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NH2 Spouse of NH1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
NH3 Child of NH1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RR1 Investor in Regional Center, Set Aside—Rural INA 203(b)(5), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RR2 Spouse of RR1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RR3 Child of RR1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RH1 Investor in Regional Center, Set Aside—High Unemployment INA 203(b)(5), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RH2 Spouse of RH1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RH3 Child of RH1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RI1 Investor in Regional Center, Set Aside—Infrastructure INA 203(b)(5), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RI2 Spouse of RI1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
RI3 Child of RI1 INA 203(b)(5), INA 203(d), Sec. 610 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Pub. L. 102-395), as drafted, & Division BB of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103).
Other Categories
Diversity Immigrants
DV1 Diversity Immigrant INA 203(c).
DV2 Spouse of DV1 INA 203(c) & 203(d).
DV3 Child of DV1 INA 203(c) & 203(d).
[88 FR 45072, July 14, 2023, as amended at 89 FR 60566, July 26, 2024]