24 CFR § 904.119 - Homeowners association—condominium.

§ 904.119 Homeowners association—condominium.

If the development is organized as a condominium:

(a) The LHA at the outset shall own each condominium unit and its undivided interest in the common areas;

(b) All the land, including that land under the housing units, shall be a part of the common areas;

(c) The homeowners association shall own no property but shall maintain and operate the common areas for the individual owners of the condominium units except that the LHA shall be responsible for maintenance until such time as the homeowners association assumes such responsibility (see § 904.112(d));

(d) The percentage of undivided interest attached to each condominium unit shall be based on the ratio of the value of the units to the value of all units and shall be fixed when the development is completed. This percentage shall determine the homeowner's liability for the maintenance of the common areas and facilities;

(e) Each homeowner's vote in the homeowners association shall be identical with the percentage of undivided interest attached to his unit; and

(f) The LHA shall not lose its majority voting interest in the association as soon as units representing 50 percent of the value of all units have been conveyed, unless the law of the state requires control to be transferred at a particular time or the LHA so desires. For voting purposes, until units representing 75 percent of the value of all units have been acquired by homeowners, the total undivided interest attributable to the homes owned by the LHA shall be multiplied by three, if such weighted voting plan is permitted by state law. Under this plan, the LHA shall continue to maintain voting control until 75 percent of the homes have been acquired by homeowners. However, at its discretion, the LHA may transfer voting control to the homeowners when units representing at least 50 percent of the value of all units have been acquired by the homeowners.