26 CFR § 1.1398-2 - Treatment of section 465 losses in individuals' title 11 cases.

§ 1.1398-2 Treatment of section 465 losses in individuals' title 11 cases.

(a) Scope. This section applies to cases under chapter 7 or chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code, but only if the debtor is an individual.

(b) Definition and rules of general application. For purposes of this section—

(1) Section 465 activity means an activity to which section 465 applies; and

(2) For each section 465 activity, the unused section 465 loss from the activity (determined as of the first day of a taxable year) is the loss (as defined in section 465(d)) that is not allowed under section 465(a)(1) for the previous taxable year.

(c) Estate succeeds to losses upon commencement of case. The bankruptcy estate (the estate) succeeds to and takes into account, beginning with its first taxable year, the debtor's unused section 465 losses (determined as of the first day of the debtor's taxable year in which the case commences).

(d) Transfers from estate to debtor—(1) Transfer not treated as taxable event. If, before the termination of the estate, the estate transfers an interest in a section 465 activity to the debtor (other than by sale or exchange), the transfer is not treated as a disposition for purposes of any provision of the Internal Revenue Code assigning tax consequences to a disposition. The transfers to which this rule applies include transfers from the estate to the debtor of property that is exempt under section 522 of title 11 of the United States Code and abandonments of estate property to the debtor under section 554(a) of such title.

(2) Treatment of section 465 losses. If, before the termination of the estate, the estate transfers an interest in a section 465 activity to the debtor (other than by sale or exchange) the debtor succeeds to and takes into account, beginning with the debtor's taxable year in which the transfer occurs, the transferred interest's share of the estate's unused section 465 loss from the activity (determined as of the first day of the estate's taxable year in which the transfer occurs). For this purpose, the transferred interest's share of such loss is the amount, if any, by which such loss would be reduced if the transfer had occurred as of the close of the preceding taxable year of the estate and been treated as a disposition on which gain or loss is recognized.

(e) Debtor succeeds to losses of the estate upon its termination. Upon termination of the estate, the debtor succeeds to and takes into account, beginning with the debtor's taxable year in which the termination occurs, the losses not allowed under section 465 for the estate's last taxable year.

(f) Effective date—(1) Cases commencing on or after November 9, 1992. This section applies to cases commencing on or after November 9, 1992.

(2) Cases commencing before November 9, 1992—(i) Election required. This section applies to a case commencing before November 9, 1992, and terminating on or after that date if the debtor and the estate jointly elect its application in the manner prescribed in paragraph (f)(2)(v) of this section (the election). The caption “ELECTION PURSUANT TO § 1.1398-2” must be placed prominently on the first page of each of the debtor's returns that is affected by the election (other than returns for taxable years that begin after the termination of the estate) and on the first page of each of the estate's returns that is affected by the election. In the case of returns that are amended under paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section, this requirement is satisfied by placing the caption on the amended return.

(ii) Scope of election. This election applies to the section 465 activities and unused losses from section 465 activities of the taxpayers making the election.

(iii) Amendment of previously filed returns. The debtor and the estate making the election must amend all returns (except to the extent they are for a year that is a closed year within the meaning of paragraph (f)(2)(iv)(D) of this section) they filed before the date of the election to the extent necessary to provide that no claim of a deduction is inconsistent with the succession under this section to unused losses from section 465 activities. The Commissioner may revoke or limit the effect of the election if either the debtor or the estate fails to satisfy the requirement of this paragraph (f)(2)(iii).

(iv) Rules relating to closed years—(A) Estate succeeds to debtor's section 465 loss as of the commencement date. If, by reason of an election under this paragraph (f), this section applies to a case that was commenced in a closed year, the estate, nevertheless, succeeds to and takes into account the section 465 losses of the debtor (determined as of the first day of the debtor's taxable year in which the case commenced).

(B) No reduction of unused section 465 loss for loss not claimed for a closed year. In determining a taxpayer's carryover of an unused section 465 loss to its taxable year following a closed year, a deduction that the taxpayer failed to claim in the closed year, if attributable to an unused section 465 loss to which the taxpayer succeeds under this section, is treated as a deduction that was not allowed under section 465.

(C) Loss to which taxpayer succeeds reflects deductions of prior holder in a closed year. A loss to which a taxpayer would otherwise succeed under this section is reduced to the extent the loss was allowed to its prior holder for a closed year.

(D) Closed year. For purposes of this paragraph (f)(2)(iv), a taxable year is closed to the extent the assessment of a deficiency or refund of an overpayment is prevented, on the date of the election and at all times thereafter, by any law or rule of law.

(v) Manner of making election—(A) Chapter 7 cases. In a case under chapter 7 of title 11 of the United States Code, the election is made by obtaining the written consent of the bankruptcy trustee and filing a copy of the written consent with the returns (or amended returns) of the debtor and the estate for their first taxable years ending after November 9, 1992.

(B) Chapter 11 cases. In a case under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code, the election is made by incorporating the election into a bankruptcy plan that is confirmed by the bankruptcy court or into an order of such court and filing the pertinent portion of the plan or order with the returns (or amended returns) of the debtor and the estate for their first taxable years ending after November 9, 1992.

(vi) Election is binding and irrevocable. Except as provided in paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section, the election, once made, is binding on both the debtor and the estate and is irrevocable.