26 CFR § 1.180-2 - Time and manner of making election and revocation.

§ 1.180-2 Time and manner of making election and revocation.

(a) Election. The claiming of a deduction on the taxpayer's return for an amount to which section 180 applies for amounts (otherwise chargeable to capital account) expended for fertilizer, lime, etc., shall constitute an election under section 180 and paragraph (a) of § 1.180-1. Such election shall be effective only for the taxable year for which the deduction is claimed.

(b) Revocation. Once the election is made for any taxable year such election may not be revoked without the consent of the district director for the district in which the taxpayer's return is required to be filed. Such requests for consent shall be in writing and signed by the taxpayer or his authorized representative and shall set forth:

(1) The name and address of the taxpayer;

(2) The taxable year to which the revocation of the election is to apply;

(3) The amount of expenditures paid or incurred during the taxable year, or portions thereof (where applicable), previously taken as a deduction on the return in respect of which the revocation of the election is to be applicable; and

(4) The reasons for the request to revoke the election.

[T.D. 6548, 26 FR 1486, Feb. 22, 1961]