26 CFR § 1.987-9 - Recordkeeping requirements.

§ 1.987-9 Recordkeeping requirements.

(a) In general. An owner (or the authorized person on behalf of an owner) must keep a copy of the statement described in § 1.987-1(g)(3)(i) for each section 987 election made by or on behalf of the owner (if not required to be made on a form published by the Commissioner) and reasonable records sufficient to establish section 987 taxable income or loss and section 987 gain or loss with respect to each section 987 QBU, successor deferral QBU, and successor suspended loss QBU, as applicable, for each taxable year.

(b) Supplemental information. A person's obligation to maintain records under section 6001 and paragraph (a) of this section is not satisfied unless the following information is maintained in those records with respect to each section 987 QBU, successor deferral QBU, and successor suspended loss QBU for each taxable year:

(1) The amount of the items of income, gain, deduction, or loss attributed to the section 987 QBU in the functional currency of the section 987 QBU and its owner.

(2) The adjusted balance sheet of the section 987 QBU in the functional currency of the section 987 QBU and its owner. If a current rate election is in effect and the owner computes QBU net value under § 1.987-4(e)(2)(iii) without preparing an adjusted balance sheet, the information needed to apply § 1.987-4(e)(2)(iii) must be maintained in lieu of an adjusted balance sheet.

(3) The exchange rates used to translate items of income, gain, deduction, or loss of the section 987 QBU into the owner's functional currency and, if a spot rate convention is used, the manner in which the convention is determined.

(4) The exchange rates used to translate the assets and liabilities of the section 987 QBU into the owner's functional currency and, if a spot rate convention is used, the manner in which the convention is determined.

(5) The amount of assets and liabilities transferred by the owner to the section 987 QBU determined in the functional currency of the owner and the section 987 QBU.

(6) The amount of assets and liabilities transferred by the section 987 QBU to the owner determined in the functional currency of the owner and the section 987 QBU.

(7) The amount of the unrecognized section 987 gain or loss for the taxable year determined under § 1.987-4(d).

(8) The amount of the net accumulated unrecognized section 987 gain or loss for the taxable year determined under § 1.987-4(c).

(9) The amount of the remittance and the remittance proportion for the taxable year.

(10) The computations required under §§ 1.861-9(g) and 1.861-9T(g) for purposes of sourcing and characterizing section 987 gain or loss, deferred section 987 gain or loss, suspended section 987 loss, or pretransition gain or loss under § 1.987-6.

(11) The cumulative suspended section 987 loss in each recognition grouping.

(12) The outstanding deferred section 987 gain or loss in each recognition grouping.

(13) The transition information required to be determined under § 1.987-10(k).

(14) The identification required under § 1.987-14(c) with respect to a section 987 hedging transaction.

(c) Retention of records. The records required by this section, or records that support the information required on a form published by the Commissioner regarding section 987, must be maintained and kept available for inspection by the Internal Revenue Service for so long as the contents thereof may become relevant in the administration of the Internal Revenue Code.

(d) Information on a dedicated section 987 form. Information necessary to determine section 987 gain or loss and section 987 taxable income or loss must be reported on a form prescribed for that purpose (or, until that form is published, on Form 8858 or its successor) in accordance with the applicable forms and instructions. A taxpayer satisfies its obligation described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section to the extent that the taxpayer provides the specific information required on Form 8858 (or its successor) or other form prescribed for this purpose (including the information required by the instructions accompanying those forms).

[T.D. 10016, 89 FR 100165, Dec. 11, 2024]