30 CFR § 736.23 - Federal program effect on State law or regulations.
(a) Whenever a Federal program is promulgated or revised for a State, any statutes or regulations of the State regulating coal exploration or surface coal mining and reclamation operations subject to the Act shall be preempted and superseded by the Federal program insofar as they are inconsistent with the requirements of the Act and the Federal program. In promulgating or revising a Federal program for a State, the Director shall set forth in the Federal Register any State statute or regulation which is preempted and superseded by the Federal program.
(b) The provision of any State statute or regulation which provides for more stringent land use and environmental control and regulation of coal exploration or surface coal mining and reclamation operations than do the provisions of the Act or any regulation issued under the Act shall not be preempted and superseded by the Director and shall be incorporated into the Federal program for the State.