30 CFR § 934.15 - Approval of North Dakota regulatory program amendments.

§ 934.15 Approval of North Dakota regulatory program amendments.

The following is a list of the dates amendments were submitted to OSM, the dates when the Director's decision approving all, or portions of these amendments, were published in the Federal Register and the State citations or a brief description of each amendment. The amendments in this table are listed in order of the date of final publication in the Federal Register.

Original amendment submission date Date of final publication Citation/description
July 30, 1982 February 9, 1983, November 9, 1983 NDCC Chapter 38-14.1; subsection 5 of § 38-14.1-02, definitions of “extended mining plan,” “performance bond;” 38-14.1-03; subsection 3 of § 38-14.1-07, 13; subdivision “u” of subsection 1 of § 38-14.1-14; subdivision “n” of subsection 2 of § 38-14.1-14; § 38-14.15; subsection 3 of § 38-14.1-20; subsections 17, 18 of § 38-14.1-24; subsection 4 of § 38-14.1-30; § 38-14.1-38; Chapter 38-12.1; subdivision b of § 1 of § 38-12.1-04; Chapter 38-18; subsection 3 of § 38-18-05, definition of “mineral developer;” subsection 6 of § 38-18-05, definition of “mineral owner;” subsection 10 of § 38-18-05, definition of “surface owner;” subsection 3 of § 38-18-06; § 38-18-07; NDAC 69-05.2, Chapter 69-05.2-01, 05 through 19, 21, 22, 23, 26; NDCC § 38.12.1-03.
February 2, 1984 July 19, 1984 NDAC §§ 38-14-1.02(33)(a), 04.1, .2, .3, 13(1)(b), 24(1)(1); §§ 69-05.2-05-03, 69-05.2-09-18, 69-05.2-13-12.1 through .6, 69-05.2-16-04.
February 27, 1984 January 3, 1985 NDAC §§ 69-05.2-01-02, definition of “blaster” and renumbering of § 69-05.2-17-01; 69-05.2-31.
June 18, 1985 February 18, 1986 NDCC 38-14.1-04.2, .3, -7, -10, -14, -21, -30,-33; NDAC 69-05.2-04-01, -06-02, -08-03, -09-02,-08, -09, -10-03, -16-09.
May 30, 1986 October 21, 1986 NDAC 69-05.2-01-02 (11), (12), definitions “coal preparation,” “coal preparation plant,” “coal processing plant,” 08-05(2)(c)(5), -09-19, -13-13, -15-01, -02, -03(2), -04, -16-04(1)(b), -09(22), -15-01, -21-03.
September 8, 1986 December 9, 1986 NDAC 69-05.2-12-20.
April 3, 1987 November 16, 1987 NDCC 38-14.1-16(2), (7), -17(7).
February 10, 1987 February 2, 1988 NDAC 69-05.2-12, -13-04, -23.
June 1, 1988 March 10, 1989 Amendment X, “Standards for Evaluation of Revegetation Success and Recommended Procedures for Pre-and Post- mining Vegetation Assessments”.
April 11, 1989 August 4, 1989 NDCC 38-14.1-37, -39.
November 1, 1988 January 19, 1990 NDAC 69-05.2, 2-01 through -31.
November 20, 1990 January 9, 1992 NDCC 28-32-02(3), (4); NDAC 69-05.2-01-02, -03(4), (5), (7), -04-01(5)(b), -05-06(1), (1d), -06-01,-02(3) through (6), -08-05(2), (2C), (2e), -09(3b), -15,-09-01(4), -06(1), (2), -09(1)(c)(7-8), (1)(e), (2)(c through e), (h), -17(1), (2), -19(1), -10-03, -05(3a, e), -11-03, -12-01(4), (10), -12(3), -18, -20, -13-08(2) through (6), -12(4), -13, -15-04(4)(a)(2)(c), -16-03, -07(2a), -09(9), (17), (18), (20), -12(1), -14(3), -20, -17-01(2), -05(1), -18-01, -12(f), -20-03(1b, d), (3),-22-07(4)(e) through (i), -23-01, -24-01-09, -25-03(2), (4), -26-05, (3), -28-03, (7), 16 through 18.
June 12, 1991, November 19, 1991 August 20, 1992 NDCC 38-12.1-03-2.b, -05-2.d; 38-14.1-02-33.a, -24.13.a, -30.3.c through g(1), (2); NDAC 43-02-01-18.1, -20; 69-05.2-01-01-3, -05-08, -08-01, -02; 69-05.2-08, -10.1a, -12; -09-04, -09, -10, -11, -14, -17, -10-02, -11-01.5, 02, -12-01, -05 through -08, -12-11, -12, -14, -16, -13-06, -08, -14-01, -15-02, -16-04, -06, -12, -22-07, -25-03, -04; 69-05.2-32, -32-01.1.b.
April 21, 1993 March 15, 1994, July 22, 1994 NDAC 69-05.2-06-02(3), -09-01(4), -10-03(1), (1)(a), (4), -13-02(4)(e), -08(3) through (6), -15-04(3), -16-09 (13), (14), (16), -20-03(3), (4); NDCC 38-14.1-21(5), -24(13)(e), -37(2), (a) through (f), (3) through (6); 38-12.1-04(1)(a); 43-02-01-05, -20.3(c)(2); 43-02-01-05.
October 22, 1993 July 22, 1994 NDAC 69-05.2-17-02, -29-01(2), -02(1)(a), (b), -03(2), (5), -04, -05, -06(1)(a), -07(1), -08(1)(a) through (e), (2).
November 10, 1994 April 13, 1995 NDAC 69-05.2-04-07(3)(a), -05-09, -06-01(2), -02(6), -10-03(5), -11-01(1)(d), -03(5)(c), -06(1)(c), -12-09(2), -15-02(2a), -16-09(7), (20), -21-01(2), -28-03(6).
February 17, 1994 July 14, 1995 Policy document entitled “Standards for Evaluation of Revegetation Success and Recommended Procedures for Pre- and Postmining Vegetation Assessments”.
March 20, 1996 April 28, 1997 NDAC 69-05.2-09-02.8 -13-02, -15-04.4a(2)c, -19-04.2, 3, -22-07.3.c, 4.d, 4.i, -26-05.3.c; 69-05, 22-07.4.j, .k; changes to new names of U.S. Natural Resource Conservation Service and the North Dakota Department of Health.
May 2, 1997 August 25, 1997 NDCC 38-14.1-04.1, .2, .3.
April 12, 1995 September 16, 1998 Statute: NDCC 38-14.1-37(4); NDCC 38-12.1-08; Rule: NDAC 43-02-01.
April 9, 1998 January 8, 1999 Revegetation Success Policy Doc. II-C, Prime Farmlands standards. II-F, Woodlands cover standards. II-H, Wetlands standards. II-I, Recreational land use standards for tree and shrub stocking. III-D, Methods for sampling woodland cover.
August 29, 1997 March 16, 1999 Rules: NDAC 69-05.2-13-01; NDAC 69-05.2-22-07.4.1; NDAC 69-05.2-28-19.
March 31, 1999 July 20, 1999 NDCC 38-14.1-30.3.f.
September 2, 1998 November 8, 1999 NDAC 69-05.2.90 NDAC 69-05.2-01-03 NDAC 69-05.2-05-09 NDAC 69-05.2-09-09 NDAC 69-05.2-13-02 NDAC 69-05.2-13-08 NDAC 69-05.2-15-02 NDAC 69-05.2-15-04 NDAC 69-05.2-16-09 NDAC 69-05.2-19-04
June 20, 2000 March 2, 2001 NDAC 69-05.2-01-03; NDCC 28-32 NDAC 69-05.2-09.15.8 NDAC 69-05.2-10-03.6.c NDAC 69-05.2-12-09 NDAC 69-05.2-12-12.2 NDAC 69-05.2-16-05 NDAC 69-05.2-22-07.4.1 NDAC 69-05.2-26-05.3 NDAC 69-05.2-29-03
March 16, 2000 May 17, 2001 Standards for Evaluation of Revegetation Success and Recommended Procedures for Pre- and Postmining Vegetation Assessments.
May 9, 2001 November 16, 2001 NDCC 38-14.1
November 21, 2002 July 7, 2003 Standards for Evaluation of Revegetation Success and Recommended Procedures for Pre- and Postmining Vegetation Assessments: Section II-C, D, E, F, G, and H; Section III-C, D, and E
Feb. 10, 2003 Dec. 4, 2003 NDAC 69-05.2-01-02(120) NDAC 69-05.2-04-01.1 through 01.7 NDAC 69-05.2-05-01 NDAC 69-05.2-09-01 NDAC 69-05.2-12-12 NDAC 69-05.2-16-04 NDAC 69-05.2-16-05(1)(b)(3) NDAC 69-05.2-16-09
April 23, 2003 January 20, 2004 NDAC 69-05.2-01-02.13 NDAC 69-05.2-12-01.11 NDAC 69-05.2-12-04.2 NDAC 69-05.2-17-07 NDAC 69-05.2-22-07
April 20, 2005 November 28, 2005 NDCC 38-14.1-17.1.a and 2005b.
May 24, 2006 December 20, 2006 NDAC 69-05.2-06-03 NDAC 69-05.2-10-01 NDAC 69-05.2-12-12 NDAC 69-05.2-16-09 NDAC 69-05.2-22-07 NDAC 69-05.2-24-01
March 12, 2008 September 12, 2008 NDAC 69-05.2-08-08 NDAC 69-05.2-10-03 NDAC 69-05.2-12-05.1
November 12, 2009 December 27, 2010 NDCC 38-14.1-24(18) NDAC 69-05.2-09-2 2NDAC 69-05.2-22-07
February 1, 2012 June 6, 2014 NDAC 69-5.2-12-04
November 14, 2012 December 16, 2014 NDAC 69-05.2-05-02 NDAC 69-05.2-05-08 NDAC 69-05.2-06-01 NDAC 69-05.2-06-02 NDAC 69-05.2-10-01 NDAC 69-05.2-10-03 NDAC 69-05.2-10-07 NDAC 69-05.2-10-08 NDAC 69-05.2-10-09
May 19, 2016 May 9, 2019 NDAC regulation changes to define commercial leonardite (oxidized lignite) and exclusion of commercial leonardite from the statutory definition of coal.
NDAC 69-05.2-01-01.1a-d; NDAC 69-05.2-01-02.9-12, 32, 64b(6), 88, 93, 104, 108, 120b(2)(a) and c; NDAC 69-05.2-02-06.1; NDAC 69-05.2-03-01; NDAC 69-05.2-03-02; NDAC 69-05.2-04-01.5.2a(8); NDAC 69-05.2-04-04.2; NDAC 69-05.2-04-07.3a; NDAC 69-05.2-04-09.3; NDAC 69-05.2-05-08.1; NDAC 69-05.2-06-01.1a; NDAC 69-05.2-06-03.2b; NDAC 69-05.2-08-01.2; NDAC 69-05.2-08-02.1l; NDAC 69-05.2-08-04.3b; NDAC 69-05.2-08-05.1 and 2b,c,d,e and g; NDAC 69-05.2-08-06.1d; NDAC 69-05.2-08-10; NDAC 69-05.2-09-01.1, 3, and 5; NDAC 69-05.2-09-02.3, 6, 8, 12, and 14a; NDAC 69-05.2-09-09.1f and g; NDAC 69-05.2-09-18.3b; NDAC 69-05.2-09-19.1; NDAC 69-05.2-10-01.1b4 and 6a; NDAC 69-05.2-11-02.1c; NDAC 69-05.2-13-05; NDAC 69-05.2-13-08.6h; NDAC 69-05.2-13-12.1; NDAC 69-05.2-13-13; NDAC 69-05.2-18-01.13; NDAC 69-05.2-19-02.1; NDAC 69-05.2-19-04.4; NDAC 69-05.2-21-01.2; NDAC 69-05.2-21-03; NDAC 69-05.2-21-04; NDAC 69-05.2-22-07.4i; NDAC 69-05.2-24-01.1a(1); NDAC 69-05.2-24-09.1; NDAC 69-05.2-25-04.2.a; NDAC 69-05.2-26-06.3.c; NDAC 69-05.2-31-01.3; NDCC Sec. 38-12.1-01, Subsections 1-3; NDCC Sec. 38-12.1-02; NDCC Sec. 38-12.1-03, Subsections 1-3, and 7; NDCC Sec. 38-12.1-04, Subsections 1a, 2, and 5; NDCC Sec. 38-12.1-05, Subsections 1 and 3; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-02, Subsections 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 23, 28, and 35; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-05, Subsection 3; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-13, Subsection 3; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-14, Subsection 1r(3)-(5), and s; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-14, Subsection 2c; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-21, Subsection 3e(2); NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-21, Subsection 4b; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-24, Subsections 1 and 1.1; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-24, Subsection 3b(2); NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-24, Subsections 5, 10, and 18; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-25, Subsections 1-3; NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-27, Subsection 1b(2); NDCC Sec. 38-14.1-37, Subsections 1 a and b, 3, and 4; NDCC Sec. 38-18-05. Subsections 2 and 7; NDCC Sec. 38-18-07, Subsection 2; also all minor grammatical and codification changes.
[62 FR 9948, Mar. 5, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 22894, Apr. 28, 1997; 62 FR 44900, Aug. 25, 1997; 63 FR 49434, Sept. 16, 1998; 64 FR 1130, Jan. 8, 1999; 64 FR 12900, Mar. 16, 1999; 64 FR 38827, July 20, 1999; 64 FR 60659, Nov. 8, 1999; 66 FR 13020, Mar. 2, 2001; 66 FR 27459, May 17, 2001; 66 FR 57662, Nov. 16, 2001; 68 FR 40147, July 7, 2003; 68 FR 67804, Dec. 4, 2003; 69 FR 2666, Jan. 20, 2004; 70 FR 71242, Nov. 28, 2005; 71 FR 76148, Dec. 20, 2006; 73 FR 52923, Sept. 12, 2008; 75 FR 81122, Dec. 27, 2010; 79 FR 32647, June 6, 2014; 79 FR 74618, Dec. 16, 2014; 84 FR 20269, May 9, 2019]