30 CFR Subpart I - Subpart I—Underground High-Voltage Distribution

  1. § 75.800 High-voltage circuits; circuit breakers.
  2. § 75.800-1 Circuit breakers; location.
  3. § 75.800-2 Approved circuit schemes.
  4. § 75.800-3 Testing, examination and maintenance of circuit breakers; procedures.
  5. § 75.800-4 Testing, examination, and maintenance of circuit breakers; record.
  6. § 75.801 Grounding resistors.
  7. § 75.802 Protection of high-voltage circuits extending underground.
  8. § 75.803 Fail safe ground check circuits on high-voltage resistance grounded systems.
  9. § 75.803-1 Maximum voltage ground check circuits.
  10. § 75.803-2 Ground check systems not employing pilot check wires; approval by the Secretary.
  11. § 75.804 Underground high-voltage cables.
  12. § 75.805 Couplers.
  13. § 75.806 Connection of single-phase loads.
  14. § 75.807 Installation of high-voltage transmission cables.
  15. § 75.808 Disconnecting devices.
  16. § 75.809 Identification of circuit breakers and disconnecting switches.
  17. § 75.810 High-voltage trailing cables; splices.
  18. § 75.811 High-voltage underground equipment; grounding.
  19. § 75.812 Movement of high-voltage power centers and portable transformers; permit.
  20. § 75.812-1 Qualified person.
  21. § 75.812-2 High-voltage power centers and transformers; record of examination.
  22. Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 75—Diagrams of Inby and Outby Switching