32 CFR § 516.13 - Assistance in serving process overseas.

§ 516.13 Assistance in serving process overseas.

(a) Europe. For information and assistance concerning service of process of persons assigned to or accompanying U.S. Forces in Europe, contact the Foreign Law Branch, International Law Division, Office of The Judge Advocate, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, and Seventh Army, Unit 29351, (Heidelberg, Germany) APO AE 09014.

(b) Korea. For information and assistance concerning service of process of persons assigned to or accompanying U.S. Forces in Korea, contact Staff Judge Advocate, US Forces Korea (Seoul, Republic of Korea), APO AP 96205.

(c) Panama, Central and South America. For information and assistance concerning service of process of persons assigned to or accompanying forces in the U.S. Army Southern Command, contact Staff Judge Advocate, HQ, US Army South, Fort Clayton, Panama, APO AA 34004-5000.