32 CFR Appendix A to Part 192 - Appendix A to Part 192—Checklist for Commanders
A. Are all assigned personnel informed of the Equal Opportunity in Off-Base Housing Program requirements before obtaining housing off base?
B. Is there an effective information program ensuring equal opportunity in off-base housing information program?
C. Are community resources being used to support the equal opportunity in off-base housing information program?
D. Are housing discrimination complaints being processed within the required time?
E. Are complainants being informed in writing of the results of housing discrimination inquiry and/or investigating actions?
F. Are housing surveys being conducted periodically to obtain new listings?
G. Are restrictive sanctions being imposed immediately for a minimum of 180 days on agents found to be practicing discrimination?
H. Are the services of command representatives provided to assist applicants in their search for housing?
I. Are HHS personnel and equal opportunity personnel aware of and sensitive to housing problems encountered by DoD personnel?
J. Are equal opportunity in off-base housing reports being submitted accurately and on time?