33 CFR § 115.15 - Limiting date in permits.

§ 115.15 Limiting date in permits.

(a) Specific time limitations are inserted in all permits for the commencement of construction and completion thereof. Normally three years for start of construction and two additional years for completion may be allowed.

(b) Specific time limitations are inserted in all permits for the removal of bridges being replaced in whole or in part by the newly permitted bridges where removal thereof is required as a condition of the permit. Normally 90 days for removal after completion of the new bridge or opening to land transportation, whichever occurs first, may be allowed.

[CGD 75-046, 40 FR 24898, June 11, 1975, as amended by CGD 80-099, 46 FR 38354, July 27, 1981. Redesignated by USCG-2016-0498, 82 FR 35081, July 28, 2017]